Daniel Lees Fryer

Norwegian version of this page Department of Languages, Literature and Culture
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
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Academic interests

Linguistics, social semiotics, multimodality, discourse analysis; scientific/medical discourse, the discourse of social movements, critical animal studies

Recent, ongoing, and forthcoming research

For a full list of publications, see below.

Teaching and supervision

Co-supervising John Currie's PhD thesis

Supervision on the master's programme in foreign languages in school (masterstudium i fremmedspråk i skolen / nordiskt masterprogram för språklärare)


  • Grammar and Phonetics I (SFE11118)
  • Grammar and Phonetics II (SFE11418)
  • Multimodal Texts (SFE20816)
  • Language Variation (SFE42415)
  • Language Research with Corpus Data (SFBS30121)
  • English 2 for Teachers, Grades 1-7 (SFVSPR115)
  • English 2 for Teachers, Grades 5-10 (SFVSPR515)


I teach English at the Department of Languages, Literature, and Culture. I have a PhD in linguistics from the University of Gothenburg and master degrees in English language and publishing studies from the University of Oslo and the University of Stirling. I also have a bachelor degree in physics from the University of Liverpool.

Appointments, roles

  • Member of board for Norwegian Study Centre in Great Britain (University of York) (2020-)
  • Head of Language Cultures, part of the ELLA project (2021-)
  • Visiting scholar, University of Wollongong, Australia (2023)
  • Coordinator for Masterstudium i fremmedspråk i skolen / Nordiskt masterprogram för språklärare (2024-)
  • Union representative (deputy) for NTL (2024-)
  • Coordinator for English foundation course and English extension course; coordinator for bachelor in society, language, and culture (2016-2022)
  • Member of faculty/department board (2017-2021)
  • Union representative for Norwegian Association of Researchers (Forskerforbundet) (2018-2022)

Member of Nordic Society for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Social Semiotics and International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association 

Peer review work for Functions of LanguageLanguage and Communication, Multimodality & Society, RASKSocial Semiotics, Text & Talk, and Visual Communication

Research groups

Tags: linguistics, social semiotics, multimodality, scientific discourse, social movements, critical animal studies


  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2021). #AllCatsAreBeautiful: Ambient affiliation and the visual-verbal representation and appreciation of cats in online subversive discourses. Discourse & Society. ISSN 0957-9265. 33(1), p. 3–33. doi: 10.1177/09579265211048727. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2021). Forming a New Song within the Shell of the Old: Processes of Transformation, Recontextualization, and Prefiguration in the Lyrics of Joe Hill’s “The Preacher and the Slave”. In Franzon, Johan F.I.; Greenall, Annjo Klungervik; Kvam, Sigmund & Parianou, Anastasia (Ed.), Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts. Frank & Timme. ISSN 978-3-7329-9334-5. p. 351–366.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2020). Grieg in the Henhouse: 12 Seconds at the Contested Intersections of Human and Nonhuman Animal Interests. In Hannan, Jason (Eds.), Meatsplaining: The Animal Agriculture Industry and the Rhetoric of Denial. Sydney University Press. ISSN 9781743327104. p. 59–77. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Smell as Social Semiotic: On the Deployment and Intersemiotic Potential of Smell. In Kaltenbacher, Martin & Stöckl, Hartmut (Ed.), Analyzing the Media: A Systemic Functional Approach. Equinox Publishing. ISSN 9781781796252. p. 189–204. doi: 10.1558/equinox.32955.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Multiplying Engagement: Visual-Verbal Intersemiosis in an Online Medical Research Article. In Sancho Guinda, Carmen (Eds.), Engagement in Professional Genres. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISSN 9789027202185. p. 157–178. doi: https:/doi.org/10.1075/pbns.301.09fry.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2016). Cut and Paste: Recontextualizing Meaning-Material in a Digital Environment. In Gardner, Sheena & Alsop, Sian (Ed.), Systemic Functional Linguistics in the Digital Age. Equinox Publishing. ISSN 9781781792384. p. 151–165. doi: 10.1558/equinox.26113.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2015). Sonifying the Higgs: Choice and Coding Orientation in the Recontextualization of Quantitative Data. In Kvåle, Gunhild; Maagerø, Eva & Veum, Aslaug (Ed.), Kontekst, språk og multimodalitet: Nyere sosialsemiotiske perspektiver. Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 978-82-321-0433-8. p. 123–137.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2014). Story of an image: notes on the recontextualization of a digital research-article figure. In Alsop, Sian & Gardner, Sheena (Ed.), Language in a digital age: be not afraid of digitality. Coventry University. ISSN 9781846000515. p. 50–56.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Exploring the dialogism of academic discourse: heteroglossic engagement in medical research articles. In Andersen, Gisle & Bech, Kristin (Ed.), English corpus linguistics : variation in time, space and genre : selected papers from ICAME 32. Brill|Rodopi. ISSN 978-90-420-3679-6. p. 183–207. doi: 10.1163/9789401209403_011.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2012). Analysis of the generic discourse features of the English-language medical research article: A systemic-functional approach. Functions of language. ISSN 0929-998X. 19(1), p. 5–37. doi: 10.1075/fol.19.1.01fry.

View all works in Cristin

  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2023). La beauté est dans la rue: multi- and intersemiotic expressions of positive attitude in protests and riots.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2023). Empathy and compassion in Gruen (2013) and Curtin (2014): ecofeminist approaches to animal ethics, and their relevance for the semiotics of empathy and compassion.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2023). Systemic Functional Semiotics and Critical Animal Studies: Intersections and Applications.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2023). "Love One, Love All": Empathy, Compassion, and the Ethics of Care in Vegan Discourse .
  • Currie, John; Clarke, Ben & Fryer, Daniel Lees (2022). Towards understanding trends in climate change discourse in UK institutions 2015-2021.
  • Currie, John; Clarke, Ben & Fryer, Daniel Lees (2022). Tackling climate change: investigating transitivity patterns in UK institutions.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2022). "Language of the Unheard": Rioting and Community from a Multisemiotic Perspective.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2022). «The Internet Is a Series of Tubes Filled with Cats»: Sosialsemiotikk, (kritiske) dyrestudier og digitale medier .
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2021). Ghosts of Finnskogen.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2021). Beauty in the Streets: Attitude and Bonding in Uprisings and Riots.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees & Moore, Alison Rotha (2021). Symposium: "Social Semiotics and the Animal Other".
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2021). “Language of the Unheard”: Riots and Rioting as Multisemiosis.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2020). Love and Mutual Aid in the Time of Corona. PanMeMic.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2020). #AllCatsAreBeautiful: Resisting State Power and Other Forms of Oppression on Social Media.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2020). Koppskattopptøyene 30 år – protestene som felte Thatcher. radikalportal.no.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2020). Er staten løsningen? Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Friske, rene, hardt arbeidende, norske kuer: dyrevelferd, miljøvern og det nasjonale på melkekartonger og pizzaesker.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Peterloo: «Dere er mange, de er få». radikalportal.no.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Anti-universitet nå! Khrono.no. ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). #AllCatsAreBeautiful: Visual-Verbal Representations of Cats in Online Liberationist Discourses.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Ludditter? Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839. p. 21–21.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2017). ¡No pasarán! (Re)enacting the Battle of Cable Street on Social Media.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2017). Brexit: Hvor ble det av venstresida? radikalportal.no.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2016). Slaget ved Cable Street – en seier for antifascismen. radikalportal.no.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2016). Coffee and cinnamon buns: on the deployment and intersemiotic potential of smell.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2015). Samuel Beckett og akademisk skriving: Fordeler med å skrive på et andre- eller fremmedspråk. In Jonsmoen, Kari Mari & Greek, Marit (Ed.), Språkmangfold i utdanningen. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-46026-3. p. 97–108.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2014). Review of "Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books" (2013) by Painter, Martin, and Unsworth. Linguistics and the Human Sciences. ISSN 1742-2906. 10(3), p. 312–321. doi: 10.1558/lhs.v10i3.19618.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees & Patel, Tulpesh (2014). Conference organizers for Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes (NFEAP) 8th Summer Seminar.
  • Gulden, Ann Torday; Patel, Tulpesh & Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Conference organizers for Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes (NFEAP) 7th Summer Seminar.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Samuel Beckett og akademisk skriving: mulige fordeler med å skrive på et fremmedspråk i en akademisk kontekst.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Sonifying the Higgs: choice and coding orientation in the sonification of data.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Review of Pérez-Llantada (2012) "Scientific Discourse and the Rhetoric of Globalization". Linguistlist. ISSN 1068-4875. 24(565).
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Heteroglossic engagement and generic staging in English-language medical research articles.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). Story of an image: notes on the recontextualization of a digital research-article figure.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2013). "Music is in everything": using sound to present (and perform) data in academic-literacies research.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2012). Whose voice is it, anyway? Voice, positioning, and expectation in academic writing.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2011). Exploring the dialogism of academic discourse: appraisal in a multimodal corpus of medical research articles.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2011). Engaging with the literature, engaging with the reader: evaluation in academic writing.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2011). Tale + skrift ≈ sant. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Gulden, Ann Torday; Fryer, Daniel Lees & Solli, Kristin (2010). 'Not too happy, but I just have to do it':Challenges in using English as method of instruction.
  • Fryer, Daniel Lees (2019). Engagement in Medical Research Discourse: A Multisemiotic Discourse-Semantic Study of Dialogic Positioning. Göteborgs Universitet / University of Gothenburg. ISSN 978-91-7833-334-9.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:27 PM - Last modified June 11, 2024 9:50 AM