Teachers’ Skillful Coping with Disruptive Behavior in Norwegian and American Classrooms

In this project, we examine how teachers skillfully cope with disruptive behaviors in Norwegian and American classrooms.

The objective of the project is to acquire knowledge about how teachers
approach students in classrooms when disruptive behavior occurs.

Teachers’ approaches include how they describe their actions towards disruptive behavior, in which ways these actions involve analytical reflection, if they are pre-reflective, or a mixture of both. We will also examine how their actions affect their students who are displaying disruptive behavior, as well as acquiring knowledge on the importance of a positive learning environment. Theoretically, we take into account the development of skills, societal aspects like pressure for achievement, competitiveness, diversity and discuss how this relates to classroom practices.

The project builds on “A Comparative Study of Disruptive Behavior between Schools in Norway and the United States”, led by Professor Liv Duesund. You can read more about this project here.

Related links
Several master students have already taken part in the project. You can read more about their findings and involvement here:

Therese Wirén and Jeanette Erlandsen: presentation of master’s thesis.

Some of the students involved in the project have spent a semester at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as exchange-students. While at UCB, they joined our research group, collected data, and wrote their master’s thesis. You can read about Lina Sletholt and Jeanette Erlandsen's experiences of their time at UCB here and here.

A podcast developed in relation to the project you will find here: In this episode, Postdoctoral Fellow Magnar Ødegård and former master’s students Hanna Amalie Hveem and Kine Solberg discuss findings and student-participation in the research project.

Spring 2020, January: the project began. Fall 2023, December: project ends.


  • Liv Duesund
  • Magnar Ødegård
  • Sven Nilsen
  • Finn Skårderud
  • Elliot Turiel, UCB
Publisert 1. apr. 2022 13:51 - Sist endret 1. apr. 2022 13:51