Measuring ideology: Current practices, consequences, and recommendations by Dr Flávio Azevedo

RIOT Science Club har fått en norsk avdeling, som er startet og ledes av førsteamanuensis Tamara Kalandadze. Mandag 25. oktober arrangeres det første seminaret i regi av RIOT Science Club Norway.

Følg denne linken for mer informasjon.

About the speaker

Flávio is a Fulbright Fellow and research associate at Friedrich Schiller University, Germany. His research in Political Psychology focuses on ideology, its measurement & theory, as well as on the psychological roots of ideological endorsement. Flavio is the principal investigator of the PBBS, a series of studies informing psychological explanations of political attitudes, values, voting, and participation. Flavio co-founded and directs FORRT, an award-winning grassroots interdisciplinary international organization aiming to integrate open and reproducible research training into higher education.

About the talk

Political ideologies are foundational to a broad range of social science fields, and when applied to research, scholars have used diverse and wide-ranging approaches to its measurement. We sought to investigate standard practices by conducting an exhaustive literature review of >400 scientific articles, spanning from the 1930s to 2020s. We identified a high proportion of unique, non-validated, on-the-fly measures with little to no content overlap suggesting scholars may not be justified in generalizing findings across studies. We test this empirically by applying different ideological instruments to established & replicated theories to show empirically that results indeed can change as a function of the measure. We then discuss its consequences and recommendations.

Publisert 19. okt. 2021 14:32 - Sist endret 19. okt. 2021 14:32