Kick-off: An anthology on The Storyline Approach in Teacher Education and Higher Education

Forskergruppen Bevegelse og kunst i lærerutdanningene inviterer til kick-off på antologien: Teaching through Stories: Renewing the Scottish storyline Approach in Teacher and Higher Education.

Student work "Eventyrskogen"


11.30: Lunch

12.30: Welcome, v/ Margaretha Häggström and Kristine Høeg Karlsen (editors)

13:00: Storyline and ‘critical questioning’, v/ Carol Omand

13.20: Take action! Storyline and sustainable thinking, v/ Margaretha Häggström

13.40: The fairytale forest, v/ Kristine, Stein, Ragnhild og Ali

14.00: Coffee and fruit

14.15: The content and the structure of the anthology. What is required of an article to be “on level"? v / Kristine, Margaretha, Else and Kjell Erik from the library at HiØ  

Sign up

Those who want to participate, sign up to Kristine Høeg Karlsen at within 14th of January at 12 pm. 


Publisert 7. jan. 2019 13:57 - Sist endret 26. juli 2021 11:10