Meeting the BlendVET teachers from Norway

Another important milestone is reached in our EEA Grants- project Blended learning in vocational education and training (BlendVET): Meeting the teachers! To mark the start of our close collaboration with participating teachers from Norway’s two BlendVET schools, Eva Dyrnes, Stine Brynildsen and Sonja Nygaard-Joki from HiØ organized a workshop at the campus of Åssiden in Drammen.  


This autumn the BlendVET (Blended learning in vocational education and training) project has entered a new phase. In addition to working with the school leaders, we will be cooperating closely with a selection of vocational teachers at Norway's two BlendVET schools: Åssiden videregående skole and Fagskolen i Viken. Stine Brynildsen, Eva Dyrnes and Sonja Nygaard-Joki's main role in the project is to support teachers in their professional development as well as facilitate collaboration in and across schools, during this school year. At our first workshop in October, the main topics of input and discussion were:

  • Defining teachers professional digital competence in a vocational context. 
  • Exploring how Blended learning can impact teaching and learning, with a specific focus on Flipped Classroom methodology and learning design for active learners.

Professional development

Over the following weeks, the teachers will plan, develop and pilot a Flipped Classroom lesson design with their vocational students and in collaboration with Eva, Stine and Sonja, their experiences with and reflections about this will fuel the next part of the journey; finding out more about the learning potential for Blended Learning and a Flipped Classroom approach in vocational education and training. 

If you are curious to know more about what we presented, you can find a Norwegian version of our presentation here. You can also have a look at our first collection of resources on Flipped Classroom pedagogy, which the teachers may use in their own work and professional development.

Meet the teachers

Meet VET-teachers Jenny Ellingsen and Trond Stubrud and find out why they want to be part of the BlendVET project:

It's a wrap!

Eva and Stine share some thoughts after the first workshop is completed:

We are looking forward to continuing this project!

- Sonja, Eva and Stine

Tags: Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, pfdk, digital competences By Sonja Nygaard-Joki, Stine Brynildsen, Eva D. Martinsen
Published Oct. 15, 2022 4:53 PM - Last modified Aug. 11, 2023 10:35 AM