Teachers' Workshop 2022

Photo: Siv M. Gamlem

On November 3rd, 2022, a group of teachers from Halden municipality participated in a workshop aimed at introducing them to AI technology. The focus of the workshop was on Essay Assessment Technology, a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence Technology that provides automated formative feedback on written essays.


Before delving into the technology, the teachers were given a comprehensive overview of the research design of the AI4AfL Research Project and its various stages. This was to familiarize the teachers with the research design, and ensure they had a clear understanding of its objectives and their role in the project.


The teachers were eager to learn how Essay Assessment Technology could help their students improve their writing skills. After a brief introduction to the technology, the teachers were asked to brainstorm a theme for an essay assignment. They came to a consensus on the theme of "heroes" and assigned an essay entitled "The Hero." The assignment asked students to write a story about someone they consider to be a hero, whether real or fictional.


Overall, the workshop was a valuable opportunity for the teachers to learn about the AI4AfL project, the latest advancements in research and AI technology, and how they can be applied in the classroom to improve student writing skills.

Tags: workshops, English, education
Published Apr. 19, 2023 7:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2023 12:42 PM