Data Collection- Phase 1

We are happy to announce that phase one of our data collection is now complete. Our team has worked hard to gather information from a variety of sources. Below are some of the overviews of the data collection process.

Students reading the feedback from the technology

Overview of the data collection process

Prior to data collection

In the Spring of 2022, our research team hit the ground running, consent forms were distributed to inform parents about the exciting project ahead. Before the data collection in late November and early December, our team members spent one day the three lower secondary schools in Halden, conducting informative meetings to ensure that teachers were well-versed in the data collection process and had the opportunity to ask questions about the first prototype of the AI technology. We also took time to emphasize the importance of respecting the privacy of the students who did not sign the parental consent, by positioning them in the areas where they could not be captured by the camera. With a combination of careful planning and a commitment to transparency, we were able to successfully gather valuable data while maintaining the highest ethical standards.


During data collection

The data was collected in the last few weeks of November and the first week of December 2022. We took along six cameras to capture the data. Three cameras were placed in the target class and three cameras were placed in the comparison class. The interview sessions with the students and the teachers were held immediately after the intervention. Three schools in Halden municipality took part in the study. Hence, there were a total of 6 classes that participated in the first round of data collection. Three target classes used feedback from EAT in their writing process and three comparison classes used peer feedback.

We successfully collected data from both the target and comparison classes. These included:

  • students’ written essays

  • assessment rubrics

  • video data

  • in-person interviews with the teachers and the students

Post data collection

After a successful data collection, our team was eager to provide the participating teachers with the next steps in the process. The teachers received clear marking instructions and the timeline for the process. Each draft of student essay was marked by the classroom and the independent teacher. Such an approach ensured that each student's draft received a fair and unbiased assessment.

Published Apr. 20, 2023 8:29 AM - Last modified June 14, 2024 11:53 AM