Learning and teaching in online environments (MOOCs)

RIDE is interested in the design, development, and use of online environments. We investigate how our students use and navigate our MOOCs, and we use the empirical findings to redesign the technological solutions as well as the teaching content so that our educations will maintain the highest possible quality.

Photo: Pixabay

RIDE researches learning and teaching practices and activities in online environments, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The research group is primarily interested in exploring the design and performance of learning and teaching in these environments. The research focus includes mapping basic learner engagement and examining how online courses are used by learners and students. A significant portion of the group's publications explores various topics that are crucial in online courses and hybrid education. These topics include understanding the learning designs of online courses, examining the various learning environments used in schools and higher education, studying students' learning trajectories and use of learning resources, online formative feedback, and the design and use of videos for learning. The research group is particularly committed to contributing to national and international research on MOOC pedagogy and learning analytics, as well as adjacent research fields.

Currently, the research group aims to develop new research projects connected to exploring the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in online environments or MOOCs. More specifically, RIDE aims to explore how Generative Artificial Intelligence can be used to design online content and resources, as well as the resulting performances from both pedagogical and organizational perspectives. Prospective research projects on Natural Language Processing aim to understand the impact of writing analytics, develop the skill of writing, and provide automated feedback. Any researchers interested in exploring the aforementioned research topics are invited to contact the researchers at RIDE.

Published May 16, 2023 11:24 AM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2023 1:42 PM