Digitization and ethics

RIDE is interested in the connection between digitalization, ethics and implications for research. We are also concerned with artificial intelligence and how we as individuals and society can ensure that the digital solutions that are established are ethically sound.

Photo: The DigiGen project

The focus area ethics and digitization concern the connection between and the interweaving of digitization and ethics. The research interests of the group go in two directions. The first type of project concerns artificial intelligence and how individuals and society can ensure that the digital solutions that are established are ethically sound. For example, ethical risk assessment of digital tools that are based on artificial intelligence for use in schools is a topic in the ENACT project.

The second type of project concerns empirical ethics, about how ethics is done in social, digital practices. Ethics is then not something that is added to digital practices from the outside, but aspects of everyday interaction. Ethical theory helps to interpret how the good and the right are done in digital practices, while empirical findings help to further develop ethical theory, as it is done in empirical philosophy.

Published May 16, 2023 11:31 AM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2023 11:16 AM