Sandra Fylkesnes

Norwegian version of this page Department of Education, ICT and Learning
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
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Academic interests

Document analysis, education policy, teacher education research, critical pedagogy, multicultural teacher education, critical whiteness studies (CWS) and critical race theory (CRT), anti-racism, postcolonialism, postmodern- and posthuman theories, teacher educators, curriculum theory, discourse theory, discourse theory analysis, research methodology, academic writing, teaching, supervision and mentorship.

Courses taught semesters 2021/22

  • Various relevant themes in the (local Norwegian) subject of pedagogikk in Practical pedagogical education full- and part time, Østfold University College.  
  • Multicultural perspectives in Special pedagogy 1, Østfold University College.
  • Literature review-course at the PhD programme Educational Sciences for Teacher Edcation, OsloMet.
  • Supervision of masterstudents in Special pedagog at Østfold University College.
  • Supervision of masterstudent in Practical pedagogical councelling (PPR), University of Oslo. 
  • Supervision of masterstudent in Multicultural and internasjonal education and development (MIED), OsloMet. 


I am a trained primary school teacher with a master in Multicultural and international education. I also have a Phd in Education sciences for teacher education. Before I came to HiØ, I was a teacher at a primary school in Oslo and a lecturerer at a mster in Multicultural and International Education at OsloMet. The lecturing was part of my doctoral education. After I submitted my PhD, I started in a 50% position in a subject called Pedagogy at the teacher education programme at Østfold University College. Later I also worked in a 50% position at the Center for the Study og Professions at OsloMet where I was managing the introduction of a system of merit for good teachers and started the work on implementation of new hiring guidelines for associate professors and for promotion of professors.

Now I work full time at the Practical-pedagogical education programme, where I teach, supervise and function as a coordinator.

Educational Background

2019: PhD in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education, from OsloMet: 

Whiteness in teacher education discourses: An analysis of the discursive usage and meaning making of the term cultural diversity

2011: M.Phil in Multicultural and International Education from OsloMet:

"The Multicultural": constructions in the curriculum of Norwegian primary schoolteacher education

2009: General Teacher Education from OsloMet

Research Groups

Critical perspectives on Teacher Education (and Education) - CritTEd

Research Projects

I am member of the Research Council of Norway's founded project "Critical Examination of Race and Racism in Teacher Education" (CERiTE), where I manage work package 1.

The main goal of CERiTE is to develop research-based knowledge about how teacher education can contribute to teacher students' development of professional knowledge that enable them to identify, prevent and counter racism. The project draws on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and make use of teacher education, museums and VR in its research.

The results from the project are expected to contribute to the strengthening of the knowledge base about race and racism in educational contexts. It will also improve the competence of future teachers, teacher educators and other social actors to counter racism, and thereby, contribute to the strengthening of social justice in Norwegian education and society.

Do read about the project on INN's website.

Find me on social media and on-line research sites 

Facebook Instagram Twitter ResearchGate Cristin


View all works in Cristin

  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). The Need for Critical Pedagogy in Teacher Education:How an Assignment Can Make Student Teachers Aware of Their Potential Prejudice .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 7: "Cultural Diversity and the Multicultural in Norway. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 6: "The Norwegian Educational Policy Chain. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 5: "Pedagogy of Amnesia in Norway. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 4: "White Fragility. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 3: "White Privilege. Critical Whiteness" .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 2: "Ethnicity and Race. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Educational Video 1: "Introduction. Critical Whiteness".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 7: "Kulturelt mangfold og det flerkulturelle i norsk utdanning. Kritisk Hvithet" .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 6: "Den norske utdanningspolitiske kjeden. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 5: "Forglemmelsespedagogikk i Norge. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 4: "Hvit skjørhet. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 3: "Hvite privileger. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 2: "Etnisitet og rase. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Biswas, Tanu (2023). Undervisningsfilm 1: "Introduksjon. Kritisk Hvithet".
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). Guest Visit Discussing My Work at Graduate School of Education, University of California Berkeley.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). Critical Whiteness and Critical Race Theory in Teacher Education Some preliminary findings from the CERiTE-project’s SoTE-review.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). Whiteness, Cultural Diversity, Racism and Teacher Education in Norway .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). My Research - from Master, through PhD, to the CERiTE-project.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). Introduction to and questions for a discussion session for the new NERA network 25: Critical race, racism and Whiteness .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). Mine erfaringer med, og tips til, å gjennomføre en «literature review». Steg-for-steg.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2023). The workings of Whiteness: Evasions of race and racism in studies on formal education in Norway.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Du Plessis, Danelle; Massao , Prisca Bruno & Andersen, Camilla Eline (2022). A review of empirical studies on race, racism and whiteness in the teaching and learning context of Norway – from early childhood- to higher education .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2022). WP1: Preliminary findings from the review.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Massao , Prisca & Andersen, Camilla Eline (2022). What do we know about how race, racism and whiteness are part of (or not) teacher education curriculums in Norway? Pushing the field further in precarious times.
  • Thomassen, Wenche Elisabeth & Fylkesnes, Sandra (2022). Norwegian pre-service teachers’ orientations, knowledge and skills regarding multilingualism.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2022). 'Pausepraten: live' (S1E6) - Hvordan tenke kritisk-refleksivt om egen undervisningspraksis? (video og podcast). [TV].
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2022). Samtale med Fred Carlo Andrersen og Sandra Fylkesnes. [Internet]. Høgskolen Kristiania.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2022). Eilerts pop-up om mangfold i akademia (podcast). [Internet].
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Holm Kvisselgaard, Stine (2021). Lessons learned from the structural discrimination seminar in Bø - ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Eilerts pop-up: Vil universitetet egentlig ha mangfold? [diskusjonspanel]. [Radio]. Universitetet i Agder - Vrimlehallen.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Vi mangler et språk for å snakke om rasisme.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Johansen, Bjørn Andreas (2021). Discrepancies between intensions and implementation: a decentralized political initiative in Norway.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Intervju Thomas, Sandra, Sharam om flerkulturell pedagogikk. [Undervisningsfilm] . [Internet]. Høgskolen Kristiania.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Introduksjon og begrepsavklaringer.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Mangfold og medielederskap .
  • Olandersson, Cecilie & Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). School leaders as policy actors: A Norwegian decentralization context.
  • Iversen, Jonas Yassin; Thomassen, Wenche Elisabeth & Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Norwegian preservice teachers’ views on and experience with multilingualism in teacher education.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). Innvandring & integrering. Ubestemt. Episode 3. [Internet].
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2021). My Experiences with Reviews for the Extended Abstract.
  • Massao, Prisca Bruno; Andersen, Camilla Eline; Fylkesnes, Sandra; Vibeto, Håvard Andreas; Klausen, Siri Wieberg & Haug, Inger Mokkelbost [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2021). Det er på høy tid å forske på rase og rasisme i lærerutdanningene, Søberg. Nettavisen.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). Kritisk hvithetskunnskap for lærerutdanningen .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). Kritisk hvithetskunnskap for barnehagelærerutdanningen.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). Flerkulturelle perspektiver på spesialpedagogikken.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). Mine erfaringer med literature review.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). My Experiences with Literature Review as Part of the Thesis.
  • Svendsen, Stine H. Bang; Eriksen, Kristin Gregers; Dankertsen, Astri; Harlap, Yael; Giertsen, Merethe & Stubberud, Elisabeth [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2020). Brekkes ignorante lesning. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). E æ ikkje rasist! Lillesands-posten.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). «Jeg er ikke rasist!» . Utrop - Norges første flerkulturelle avis.
  • Schei, Amanda & Fylkesnes, Sandra (2020). Forsker mener Helgheim tar feil: Strukturell rasisme finnes. [Newspaper]. Khrono.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Pedagogikk i et flerkulturelt perspektiv.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Flerkulturelle perspektiver i spesialpedagogikken.
  • Hamidi, Hasti; ashraf, umar; Sibeko, Guro; Auestad, Lene; Espseth, Luca Dalen & Fjeld, Axel [Show all 17 contributors for this article] (2019). Ingen smittekilde, ingen sensur. Maddam.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Nei, du er ikke rasist, men du må vite hvordan hvithet virker.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Synnes, Ronald Mayora (2019). Er jeg rasist bare fordi jeg er hvit? Minerva (nettutgaven).
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). For å se rasismen, må vi vite hvordan hvithet virker.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Experiences with Literature Review as Part of the Thesis.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Synnes, Ronald Mayora (2019). Hvithetens tause makt. Utrop. Norges første flerkulturelle avis.. 37.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra & Synnes, Ronald Mayora (2019). Hvithetens tause makt. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847. 36.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Dette er søkergruppen til meritteringsordningen . [Internet]. OsloMet tilsattsider.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Er du god på undervisning? Husk å søke om merittering innen 1. mai! [Internet].
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Ikke rasist sier du? Hun vil at du skal spørre deg selv én gang til. [Newspaper]. Aftenposten (papirutgave) .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2019). Hvithet i lærerutdanningsdiskurser. [Internet].
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2018). Critical Whiteness Studies and Physical Education Teacher Education Research (PETER).
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2018). Literature review - my personal experiences .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2018). "Cultural Diversity" in Teacher Education: Understanding the Workings of Whiteness in Institutional Discourses.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2018). Rasisme og diskriminering.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2017). The Workings of Whiteness in Teacher Education.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Mausethagen, Sølvi & Nilsen, Anne Birgitta (2017). Teacher Educators’ Construction of Cultural Diversity: Whiteness as othering through acts of Discursive Exclusions.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra; Nilsen, Anne Birgitta & Mausethagen, Sølvi (2016). Teacher Educators’ Constructions of 'Cultural Diversity': Whiteness as Othering through acts of Discursive Exclusions .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2016). Patterns of Racist/Racialized Discourses in Teacher Education Policy: Whiteness in Norwegian National Curriculum .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2016). Teacher Education Researchers’ Usage of 'Cultural Diversity': A Discursive Politics of Whiteness .
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2016). Muntlig eller skriftlig veiledning: hva er best, best for hva og best for hvem?
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2016). A Discussion of Bree Picover’s Keynote: Practice What You Teach. Social Justice Education in the Classroom and the Streets.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2015). Teacher Educators' Constructions of 'Cultural Diversity'.
  • Fylkesnes, Sandra (2014). Rasisme og antirasistisk undervisning.

View all works in Cristin

Published Oct. 17, 2018 8:56 AM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2023 4:48 PM