Kjersti E. Lien Holte

Norwegian version of this page Department of Education, ICT and Learning
Image of Kjersti Elisabeth Lien
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
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Academic interests

The school as an arena to promote good quality of life for children and young people

In my research I am concerned with how hope, mastery, emotional strength and optimism (mental health) can be promoted in society. I am particularly concerned about how this can be done in schools, in an interdisciplinary collaboration between various actors and institutions and the local community.

Together with my colleague Espen Marius Foss, I lead a research project called Mastering and meaning at Frederik II secondary school in Fredrikstad. We test various forms of participation, strength-based school development, restorative practices, conflict management and other issues. The purpose of the project is to make the school health-promoting for both pupils and staff. In this context, there is a strong focus on in-depth learning, inclusion and well-being. The project is funded by the Østfold County Public Health Department and the Østfold University College. It started in 2017 and ends in the spring of 2021.

Schools with awareness of homework are important for good quality of life

Since 2012 I have researched why and how teachers practice homework in primary school. Students in teacher education, training schools and colleagues at the Departement of Education have also been engaged in the project.

School principals, teachers and parents need to have a conscious relationship to use of homework, in order not to make homework a threat to a good childhood. Dora Thorhallsdottir collected more than 24,500 signatures for homework free schools. In Switzerland, there will be a referendum if 25,000 signatures are collected. In Norway, the signatures have been placed in a drawer in the Ministry of Education with the comment "We cannot dictate teachers". I am therefore engaged in the public debate to raise awareness of the practice of homework. In my research, I am now dedicated to documenting the good work that is being done at «homework consious schools» around the country. On November 20, 2018, we established the first nationwide network for homework consious schools.

The «MOVE 6-19» project for good learning

Physical movement, proper food, good sleep, experience of meaning and belonging make pupils well-equipped to learn in school. MOVE («RØRE» in Norwegian) stands for the pupils to move, to stir in the pot, to be touched and to move in the local environment. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the initiative of schools and competence about health-promoting schools. In 2016, Østfold County Municipality received NOK 26 million from the Savings Bank Foundation for the project MOVE 6-19. I am engaged to research on this project.

Social inequality in health

Social inequality in health means that people who are low educated, have little money or work at the bottom of the hierarchy have shorter life expectancy and are systematically more prone to poor quality of life in all areas. This is a wicked problem. Interdisciplinary learning, discussion and dialogue are therefore crucial to getting closer to good solutions. Østfoldhelsa has established a local social council on social inequalities in health, which I lead. The council meet four times a year and otherwise write chronicles to stimulate dialogue around the theme.

Courses taught

I teach courses in pedagogy and pupil-related skills and guidance at the Faculty of Education


I am an organizational educator with pedagogy and work science.


  • PhD in Work Science (Organization and Management), Karlstad University, 2009
  • Master's degree in Pedagogy, University of Oslo, 2001


  • Head of the Local Council for Social Inequality in Health at Østfold University College. 
  • Board member of the Hvaler Work Center, since 2016.

Positions held

  • Associate professor in pedagogy, at Faculty of Education, Østfold University College, since 2019
  • Associate professor in coordination of health and welfare services, at Faculty of Health and Welfare, Østfold University College, 2016-2019
  • Associate professor in pedagogy, at Faculty of Education, Østfold University College, 2010-2016
  • Self-employed (consultancy and lectures), 2008 - 2010
  • Assistant professor and Phd Candidat, at Faculty of Business, Languages, and Social Sciences, Østfold University College, 2002-2008


  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2023). Supporting School-leaders in Leadership for Social Justice Using a No-homework Policy after a Top-down Decision. Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. ISSN 1581-8225. p. 4–21. doi: 10.59132/vviz/2023/54/4-21.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien; Foss, Espen Marius & Sträng, Dan Roger (2022). Psykisk helse skapes i de daglige skoleerfaringene Skolen som arena for å fremme god psykisk helse i et systemisk perspektiv. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. 106(4), p. 345–359. doi: 10.18261/npt.106.4.6.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2016). Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly? Studia Paedagogica. ISSN 1803-7437. 21(4), p. 13–33. doi: 10.5817/sp2016-4-1.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2014). The prevalence of silence. In Branson, Christopher M. & Gross, Steven Jay (Ed.), Handbook of ethical educational leadership. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-85391-0. p. 139–150. doi: 10.4324/9780203747582.ch10.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Communicating Risk in Cases of Suspected Child Abuse: What are the Hidden Silencing Mechanisms that Can Prevent Teachers from Reporting their Suspicions? In Knutsen, Karen S. Patrick; Kvam, Sigmund; Langemeyer, Peter Hans; Solfjeld, Kåre & Parianou, Anastasia (Ed.), Narratives of Risk: Interdisciplinary studies. Waxmann Verlag. ISSN 978-3-8309-2803-4. p. 443–464.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2008). Uforpliktende forpliktelse : fleksibilitet forstått som tre motstridende formidlingsprosjekt i arbeidsorganisasjoner, Perspektiv på arbetsvetenskapens klassiker. Institutionen för arbetsvetenskap, Göteborgs Universitet. p. 24–35.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2003). Om å bli bedre i et lite rom, Mellom plikt og rett - tanker om og arbeid med Kvalitetsreformen ved Avdeling for samfunnsfag og fremmedspråk. Høgskolen i Østfold. p. 27–34.

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  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2010). Praktisk oppfølging av sykemeldte: en håndbok for små og mellomstore bedrifter. Adekvat Info AS. ISBN 9788276910841. 65 p.

View all works in Cristin

  • Arntzen, Annett; Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien; Skipstein, Anni & Wenstøb, Bengt Morten Maximilian (2023). Fagrådet om sosial ulikhet i helse i Viken - et eksempel til etterfølgelse?
  • Wenstøb, Bengt Morten Maximilian; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Arntzen, Annett; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Skipstein, Anni (2023). Fagrådets anbefaling for valget 2023: Velg politikerne som vil utjevne urettferdige forskjeller og som vil gi alle gode liv! Moss Avis.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2023). Supporting school leaders in leadership for social justice using a no-homework policy.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2023). En lærerik eksamensform, er det mulig da? . [Radio]. Podcast Skolelys.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Denne skolen er helt uten lekser. - Vi blir mindre stressa! [Newspaper]. Romerike Blad.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Leksebevisst skole og undervisning.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Lektier? Hva bliver der af dem? [Business/trade/industry journal]. Magasinet Gymnasieforskning.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Leksefri skole i Arendal!? [Journal]. Childspress.org.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). -Det å gjøre skolen leksefri synliggjør ubehaget i at det kanskje ikke var nødvendig å presse barna. [Newspaper]. Moss Avis.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Hva skjer når en hel kommune innfører leksefri skole? . [Internet]. Spotify.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2022). Supporting educational leaders implementing a No-Homework policy.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2021). Om lekser og leksebevissthet i koronaskolen. [Radio]. Lektor Lomsdalen pod cast.
  • Rønningen, Elisabeth & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2021). Høringssvar fra Forskningsmiljø om lekser.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2019). Kjersti Lien Holte om leksebevisste skoler. [Radio]. Lektor Lomsdalen pod cast.
  • Foss, Espen Marius & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2019). “Let’s end the depressing classrooms!": exploring scenography for wellbeing in high school.
  • Sveen, Ole; Farholm, Anders; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Oseland, Harald (2019). Motivation, physical fitness, and vitality in 5th grade pupils taking part in physical activity classes organized by a local sport team.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2019). Open space workshop.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2019). Leksebevissthet i barneskoler.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2019). Helsefremmende Østfold skoler.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Vanlige misforståelser om lekser. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Sosial ulikhet i helse i Moss og Rygge.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Kjersti og Tone fra Hvaler sa sin mening om lekser i kunnskapsdepartementet. [Newspaper]. Fredrikstad Blad Nyhetssak.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Lekser - bra eller en tvangstrøye? [Radio]. Podkasten Lærerrommet Utdanningsforbundet.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2018). Gjenopprettende prosesser .
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2018). Anerkjennende kommunikasjon .
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2018). Gjenopprettende tilnærming til konflikt og digital mobbing.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Vurderer leksefri skole. [TV]. NRK Østfold Nyhetssending.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Leksefri skole? [TV]. God Morgen Norge TV2.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). 30% vurdere å kutte ut lekser. [TV]. TV" nyhetsmorgen.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Concepitons of School as an arena to promote wellbeing - a whole school approach. .
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Fagfolk for leksefri skole. [TV]. TV2 God morgen Norge .
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Lengre skoledag og leksefri på Hvaler. [TV]. NRK Østfold.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Leksefri ungdomsskole. [Radio]. NRK P2 Nyhetsmorgen og Nyhetslunsj.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2018). Mestring og mening på Frederik II videregående skole - brevundersøkelsen.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Skolens kraft i møte med komplekse samfunnsutfordringer.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Forsker på lekser. [Radio]. NRK Østfold.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Leksefri Moss. [TV]. NRK Østfold.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Lekser har liten eller ingen effekt på læring. Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Fire kjennetegn på en leksebevisst skole. Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2018). Studio 2 Begrensning av lekser. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2017). Relasjoner og konfliktforståelse.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Sletten, Marina (2017). Snakk sammen da vel! Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Foss, Espen Marius (2017). How can schools develop as arenas to promote good mental health and wellbeing?
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2016). På tide å tenke nytt om lekser. Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2016). Hvorfor skal vi ha lekser i grunnskolen?
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2015). Homework in elementary school and the need for educational leadership.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien; Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen & Arnesen, Anne Lise (2013). Special education - special risk? Troubling pathways to vocational competence for young people at risk in upper secondary education. In Arntzen, Eystein (Eds.), Educating for the future, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Halden, 22th - 25th August, 2013. Høgskolen i Østfold.
  • Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen; Arnesen, Anne Lise & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2013). "I take one day at a time" Aims and contradictions in support strategies for young people "at risk" in vocational schooling. In Arntzen, Eystein (Eds.), Educating for the future, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Halden, 22th - 25th August, 2013. Høgskolen i Østfold.
  • Arnesen, Anne-Lise; Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2013). Special education – special risk? Troubling pathways to vocational competence for young people in upper secondary education.
  • Arnesen, Anne-Lise; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen (2013). “When One Door Shuts, Another Opens”! How Young People ‘At Risk’ Experience their Schooling towards a Vocational Career.
  • Arnesen, Anne-Lise; Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2013). “I take one day at a time”. Aims and contradictions in support strategies for young people ‘at risk’ in vocational schooling: Symposium at ATEE conference 2013: Diversity and social justice as a challenge in future.
  • Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen & Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2013). When vulnerability meets demands in vocational education - An ethnographic study of a small upper secondary school and the students`experiences.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen (2013). I take one day at a time Young people "at risk" in vocational schooling envisioning their future career.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Giraffspråk i barnehagen.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Giraffspråk i barnehagen!
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Hvorfor tier ansatte om arbeidsrelatert kritikk?
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Hvorfor tier ansatte om arbeidsrelatert kritikk?
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Den tysta arbetsplatsen. http://sverigesradio.se/sida/sok.aspx?q=arbetsplats+tyst. [Radio]. Sveriges Radio .
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2012). Communicating Risk in Cases of Suspected Child abuse. Teahcers dilemmas.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). Praksisveiledning i profesjonsutdanning.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). - Det mest lojale er å si fra. [Newspaper]. Sykepleien.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). Hvorfor tier ansatte om arbeidsrelatert kritikk? Et innblikk i Hysjteoriene.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). Hvorfor tier ansatte om arbeidsrelatert kritikk? Om Hysjteoriene.
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). Hvorfor tier ansatte om arbeidsrelatert kritikk?
  • Holte, Kjersti E. Lien (2011). Be quiet! - When silence becomes a problem for ethical leadership.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2010). Hysj - Taushet om arbeidsrelatert kritikk.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2010). Behov for fri. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2009). Manglende pliktfølelse for jobben. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2009). Ansatte presses til taushet Ny studie: ansatte lærer at det ikke nytter å si fra.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2007). Uforvarende mobbing. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2005). How can Labour Process Theory be usefull as a critical perspective on the Norwegian reform for social inclusion in working life?
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2003). Fra mangfold til monokultur i Hvalers oppvekstmiljø. ?.
  • Arnesen, Anne-Lise; Nilsen, Sigmund Egil; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Dyrnes, Eva Martinsen (2013). Elevers vei mot yrkeskompetanse -tilrettelegging av opplæring (unntatt offentlighet). Høgskolen i Østfold.
  • Holte, Kjersti Lien (2009). Hysj En kritisk didaktisk relasjonsanalyse av Curriculum Silentium; den skjulte policyen for taushet om arbeidsrelatert kritikk hos ansatte. Karlstad University Press. ISSN 9789170632594.

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Published June 12, 2018 4:12 PM - Last modified June 15, 2021 8:45 AM