Ingeborg Hognestad Krange

Norwegian version of this page Department of Education, ICT and Learning
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Academic interests

  • Learning and teaching
  • In-depth learning
  • Technology-enhanced learning
  • Qualitative research methods


    I have teaching experience from bachelor to PhD level. The themes I have worked on the most are:

    • Technology-enhanced learning 
    • Academic reading and writing
    • Qualitative methods and strategies for analysis
    • Supervision of masters and ph.d.-students


    • Karla Vrobova, Østfold University College, (2023 - current)
    • Kamila Misiejuk, University of Bergen, SLATE (2023)
    • Alfredo Jornet, University of Oslo, Department of Educational Sciences (2015)
    • Rolf Steier, University of Oslo, Department of Educational Sciences (2014)


    • Professor ICT and Learning, Østfold University College 2022 - current. 
    • OsloMet - Oslo Metropolian University, Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education. 2019 (Aug) - 2022 (July). Member of the leader group at the department. Responsible for further development and build-up of research support at the department (approx. 230 employees) and faculty, recruitment of PhD students, as well as supporting employees in their work towards promotion to professor, docent or senior lecturer. Personnel management of two sections (approx. 40+ employees)
    • Professor in Social Didactics 2018. 
    • Kristiania University College. The professorship is within learning and teaching with a focus on digital resources. Member of the learder group. 
      • Professor in Educational Sciences, Department of Leadership and Organization. 2017 (Oct) – 2019 (July). 
      • Professor in Educational Sciences. Department of Creativity and Innovation. 2016 (Feb) – 2017 (Sept)
      • Associate Professor. Department of Creativity and Innovation. 2015 (Aug) – 2016 (Jan)
      • Associate Professor II. Department of Creativity and Innovation. 2015 (April – July)
    • University of Oslo
      • Researcher. InterMedia and Department of Educational Sciences. 2010 - 2015. Head of the Norwegian Research Council project MIRACLE (Mixed-Reality across Contexts of Learning) designing and scrutinizing the use of multimedia solutions supporting professional coherence between schools and museum settings.
      • Post doc. Department of Informatics. 2008 - 2009. The post-doctoral project investigates communication processes in distributed medical emergency teams in simulated operation theatres (VR).
      • Ph.d.-student. InterMedia. 2001 - 2008. The PhD project investigated junior high-school students’ learning processes in science education using digital 3D-models (VR).
    • Telenor R&D
      • Researcher. 1997 - 2001
    • Ministry of Education
      • Project leader. 1996 - 1997

    Stay abroad

    • Visiting researcher, Technology-Enhanced Learning in Science, Graduate School of Education, University California Berkeley, US. 2014 (Jan – Aug)
    • Research fellow. Center for Language and Communication, Open University, England. 2003 (February – July)


    • Ph.D. 2008. Specialization in the learning sciences focusing on computer-based environments. Faculty of Education, University of Oslo
    • Master. 1996. Specialization in social movements. Department of Sociology, University of Oslo

    • Bachelor. 1993. Sociology, Criminology, Intellectual history, University of Oslo

    Research group

    I am the head of the research group RIDE Research in Digital Education at Østfold University College. RIDE contributes to the university college's strategic initiative, The digital society


    • Contact person and deputy board member for the Østfold University College in The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (former WGNERII). 2023 - current. 
    • Representative in the Ph.D. program committee, Østfold University College. 2023 - current. 
    • Head of the working committee that prepared Strategy 2030 Faculty of Teacher Education and Languages. 2022 - 2023.
    • National Editorial Board for Teacher Education Portal led by Knowledge Center for Education, University of Stavanger.  2020 – current.  
    • Member for project board, NRC project FUTURED. Vestlandet University College. 2020 - 2022
    • Department of Teacher Education at OsloMet’s Deputy Member in University Norway –National Professional Group for Primary School Teacher Education (Universitets- og høyskolerådet – Nasjonalt fagorgan for grunnskolelærerutdanning). 2020 – 2022.
    • Kristiania University College’s Deputy Member in University Norway - Research (Universitets og høyskolerådet - Forskning). 2018 – 2019.
    • Board Member, Department of Educational Science, University of Oslo. 2013


    • Nordisk tidsskrift for veiledningspedagogikk
    • Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education
    • ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s) 
    • Frontline Learning Research
    • Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
    • Designs for Learning
    • Electronic Marked.
    • Science Education
    • Journal of the Learning Sciences
    • British Medical Journal - BMJ Open
    • Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (Journal of Research on Youth)
    • Digital kompetanse (Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy)
    • International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning



    • Engeness, Irina; Kunna Segaran, Meerita & Krange, Ingeborg Hognestad (2024). Learning to write in English: Development of conceptual understanding in the writing process with feedback from artificial intelligence and collaborating peers. In Skulstad, Aud Solbjørg (Eds.), Current issues in English Teaching . Fagbokforlaget. ISSN 9788245047189.
    • Krange, Ingeborg Hognestad; Kunna Segaran, Meerita; Gamlem, Siv Therese Måseidvåg; Moltudal, Synnøve & Engeness, Irina (2023). A Triple Challenge: Students’ Identification, Interpretation, and Use of Individualized Automated Feedback in Learning to Write English as a Foreign Language. ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s). ISSN 1826-9745. p. 39–63. doi: 10.55612/S-5002-059-001.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Rasmussen, Ingvill (2020). Dybdelæring og kritisk tenkning i en digital tid – analyser av samtaler mellom elever og lærer. . In Engen, Bård Ketil (Eds.), Digitalisering, kompetanse og læring. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 978-82-05-53831-3. p. 27–47.
    • Ferguson, Leila Eve & Krange, Ingeborg (2020). Hvordan fremme kritisk tenkning i grunnskolen? Forskningsbaserte forslag . Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. 104(2), p. 194–205. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2987-2020-02-09.
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Silseth, Kenneth & Pierroux, Palmyre (2019). Peers, teachers and guides: A study of three conditions for scaffolding conceptual learning in science centers. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. doi: 10.1007/s11422-018-9905-x. Full text in Research Archive
    • Arnseth, Hans Christian & Krange, Ingeborg (2016). What happens when you push the button? Analyzing the functional dynamics of concept development in computer supported science inquiry. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. p. 1–24. doi: 10.1007/s11412-016-9244-4. Full text in Research Archive
    • Jornet, Alfredo; Roth, Wolff-Michael & Krange, Ingeborg (2016). A Transactional Approach to Transfer Episodes. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 1050-8406. 25(2), p. 285–330. doi: 10.1080/10508406.2016.1147449.
    • Arnseth, Hans Christian; Jornet, Alfredo & Krange, Ingeborg (2015). Learning in a material world: Reflection in science education as embodied practice. In Lindwall, Oskar; Häkkinen, Päivi; Koschman, Timothy & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (Ed.), Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015. International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). ISSN 978-0-9903550-6-9. p. 595–596.
    • Swensen, Kaja Vembe; Silseth, Kenneth & Krange, Ingeborg (2014). Tweeting as a tool for learning science: The credibility of student-produced knowledge content in educational contexts. In Sánchez, Inmaculada Arnedillo & Isaías, Pedro (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th international conferences on Mobile Learning 2014. IADIS Press. ISSN 978-989-8704-02-3. p. 247–251.
    • Arnseth, Hans Christian & Krange, Ingeborg (2012). Reconsidering meaning making and its analytical implications for cultural studies of science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. doi: 10.1007/s11422-012-9468-1.
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Moen, Anne & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2012). Computer-based 3D simulation: a study of communication practices in a trauma team performing patient examination and diagnostic work. Instructional Science. ISSN 0020-4277. 40(5), p. 829–847. doi: 10.1007/s11251-012-9214-9.
    • Jahreie, Cecilie Flo; Arnseth, Hans Christian; Krange, Ingeborg; Smørdal, Ole & Kluge, Anders (2011). Designing for play-based learning of concepts in science – Technological tools for bridging school and science museum contexts. Children, Youth and Environments. ISSN 1546-2250. 21(2). Full text in Research Archive
    • Jahreie, Cecilie Flo & Krange, Ingeborg (2011). Learning in science education across school and science museums – Design and development work in a multi-professional group. Digital kompetanse. ISSN 0809-6724. 6(3). Full text in Research Archive
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2011). Students’ Meaning Making in Science – Solving Energy Resource Problems in Virtual Worlds Combined with Spreadsheets to Develop Graphs. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. doi: 10.1007/s11422-011-9361-3.
    • Pierroux, Palmyre; Krange, Ingeborg & Sem, Idunn (2011). Bridging Contexts and Interpretations: Mobile Blogging on Art Museum Field Trips. Mediekultur. ISSN 0900-9671. 50, p. 25–44. doi: 10.7146/mediekultur.v27i50.2997.
    • Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Krange, Ingeborg; Moen, Anne & Middleton, David (2011). Intersecting trajectories of Participation: temporality and learning. In Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Lund, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Säljö, Roger (Ed.), Learning across sites : new tools, infrastructures and practices. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 978-0-415-58176-9. p. 105–121.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2009). The historical and situated nature design experiments - Implications for data analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL). ISSN 0266-4909. 25(3), p. 268–279. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2008.00307.x.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2008). What does it mean? Students’ procedural and conceptual problem solving in a CSCL environment designed within the field of science education. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. ISSN 1556-1607. 3, p. 25–51.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2007). Sociocultural perspective on learning. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. 2, p. 218–223. doi: 10.1007/s11422-006-9040-y.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2007). Students' conceptual practices in science education - Productive disciplinary interactions in a participation trajectory. Cultural Studies of Science Education. ISSN 1871-1502. 2, p. 171–203. doi: 10.1007/s11422-006-9040-y.
    • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2005). Understanding the task: How is agency distributed between tools, students and teachers in technology rich learning environments? International Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0883-0355. 39, p. 839–849.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Fjuk, Annita (2004). Design and use of a 3D learning environment: The situated conditions of awareness information. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management. ISSN 1465-6612. 4(2).
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Furberg, Anniken Larsen; Fjuk, Annita & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2002). Describing construction of knowledge through identification of collaboration patterns in 3D learning environments. In Stahl, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of CSCL 2002, Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ISSN 0-8058-5099-6. p. 82–91.

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    • Kluge, Anders; Krange, Ingeborg; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Lantz-Andersson, Annika & Säljö, Roger (2014). Lärarens roll och design av lärandemiljöer i Lärare i den uppkoblade skolan. Gleerups Utbildning AB. ISBN 9789140687159. 259 p.

    View all works in Cristin

    • Krange, Ingeborg Hognestad & Hontvedt, Magnus (2023). On the Move to Learn – A video-study of academic achievement and physical activities in a 4th grade math class. .
    • Hontvedt, Magnus & Krange, Ingeborg (2018). High Intensity Learning? — A video-study of academic achievement and physical activities in a 4th grade math class .
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Ferguson, Leila Eve & Bakkene, Hildur (2018). Critical Literacy Skills: Exploring the Effect of Different Teaching Styles in High Schools History Education.
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Silseth, Kenneth & Pierroux, Palmyre (2016). Facilitating Students’ Conceptual Learning on Science Center Fieldtrips.
    • Pierroux, Palmyre; Krange, Ingeborg; Silseth, Kenneth; Jornet, Alfredo & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2014). Field Trips to Science Museums: A Study of Students’ Sense-Making when Interacting with Exhibits.
    • Isdal, Edith; Haavie, Jon; Sem, Idunn; Nesnass, Richard; Toussaint, Jeremy & Smørdal, Ole [Show all 17 contributors for this article] (2013). Prototype Workshop ved Norsk Teknisk Museum.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). How Knowledge Is Made Relevant. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Check Point e-Learning. Special- Edition ONLINE EDUACA 2013..
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Dolonen, Jan Arild (2013). Editorial: Representations in learning. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology, No 09, p 80-81..
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). A Learning MIRACLE. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology, No 09, p 80-81..
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Nye metoder for læring med IKT - Main publisity poster for the launch of the new institute's, Department of Educational Research, web.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). F21 samarbeider med Universitetet. [Newspaper]. •Akers Avis Groruddalen.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Trekker museet inn i klasserommet. [Internet]. The Norwegian Research Council, Verdikt programme's project .
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Et digitalt Miracle. [Business/trade/industry journal]. Teknisk ukeblad.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Et digitalt Miracle. [Business/trade/industry journal]. MuseumsNytt.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Making design experiments informed by learning research.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). Bridging schools, science centers, and companies with ICT.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). A Learning Miracle. Imporving Conceptual Learning by Designing and Using digital and Analogue Devices in formal settings.
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Pettrem, Yvonne & Nordland, Arve (2013). Miracle.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2013). "Contextual learning. An Educational Miracle." An interview. International Innovation Disseminating science, research and technology.
    • Kluge, Anders & Krange, Ingeborg (2012). How to link different interactive models of the same phenomena.
    • Bakken, Sven Magne; Haavie, Jon; Isdal, Edith; Toussaint, Jeremy; Nesnass, Richard & Krange, Ingeborg [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2012). Varmepumpespill - installasjon i utstillingen EnergiTivoli.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2011). “Procedural and conceptual learning – Students’ use of 3D models in science”.
    • Kluge, Anders & Krange, Ingeborg (2011). "How to link different interactive modelsof the same phenomena across technology, sites, and contexts for productive learning?".
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2011). "MIRACLE prosjektet - Mixed Reality Interactions across Context of Learning.".
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2011). IKT og læring: Hva trodde vi og hva vet vi nå? (ICT and Learning: What did we beleive and what do we know now?).
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2010). Design of learning and experimental spaces in and across school and museum settings.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Jornet, Alfredo (2010). MIRACLE: Mixed Reality Interactions across Contexts of Learning.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Arnseth, Hans Christian (2009). Students' meaning making in science - solving energy problems in a technology rich environment.
    • Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Kluge, Anders; Krange, Ingeborg & Ulfsnes, Kari-Anne (2008). På nett med framtida i ti år. [Newspaper]. UniForum.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2008). A socio-cultural analysis of students’ knowledge constructions in science.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2008). Bruk av dataskapte 3D modeller i læringsøyemed.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2008). Bruk av 3D modeller i samhandlings- og samarbeidssituasjoner.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2008). Pensumforpliktende lærerintervensjoner i dataskapte 3D modeller og naturfaglig forståelse hos elevene.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2008). Pensumforpliktende lærerintervensjoner i dataskapte 3D modeller og naturfaglig forståelse hos elevene.
    • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Moen, Anne & Krange, Ingeborg (2007). Part of the symposium: Learning across sites; new tools, infrastructures and practices. Title of paper: Multiplicity and intersecting trajectories of participation; temporality and learning.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2007). What is it? Students' pursuing problems in a CSCL environment designed within the field of science education.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2007). What is it? Students' pursuing problems in a CSCL environment designed within the field of science education.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2006). Students conceptual practices – productive disciplinary interactions in a participation trajectory.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten Runar (2005). Learning Scientific Concepts: "But I don't understand...".
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2004). Students' Conceptual Practice - Productive Disciplinary Interactions in a Mini Learning Trajectory.
    • Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten (2004). �Everyday and Scientific Concepts - Knowledge construction by students and teachers in a networked 3D learning environment supported by a web page: implications for design.�.
    • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten (2003). Understanding the task: How is agency and knowledge construction distributed between artefacts, students and teachers?
    • Rasmussen, Ingvill; Krange, Ingeborg & Ludvigsen, Sten (2002). Understanding the task. How is agency distributed between tools, students and teachers in technology-rich learning environments?
    • Krange, Ingeborg; Larsen, Anniken; Fjuk, Annita & Ludvigsen, Sten (2002). Describing construction of knowledge through identification of collaboration patterns in 3D learning environments.
    • Frölich, Trude; Krange, Ingeborg; Arnseth, Hans Christian & Arge, Erlend (2009). World Beside i klasserommet. World Beside.
    • Krange, Ingeborg (2008). Computer-based 3D models in science education - Studying artefacts and students' knowledge constructions. Unipub forlag.

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    Published July 25, 2022 12:53 PM - Last modified May 8, 2024 1:58 PM