Prototyping a Mobile Application used for Transmission Grid Maintenance


Greta Dauskurtaite

Greta Dauskurtaite

Om prosjektet

Grid Vision Mobile is the beginning of a larger project aimed to replace all internal eSmart Systems applications and combine their functionalities into one unified app. The student’s task is to create a digital prototype that will act as the base solution to help bring the project closer to its end goals.

One of the student's primary objectives was to conduct an in-depth analysis of both existing company apps and competitor solutions. This analysis resulted with a list of various use cases and functionalities that the student and the company selected to include in the first version of the new GV Mobile app design.

The GV Mobile application will primarily focus on visualizing transmission tower data in the field and will provide the users with the ability to inspect & document any abnormalities observed on or near the towers.

Throughout the project, the student followed the five phases of the design thinking framework: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. The first and second phases centered on identifying user needs and conducting the mobile analysis. Stages four and five involved creating wireframes and prototypes that were later tested with users in stage six.


  1. Displays a storyboard consisting of a series of illustrations that showcase a made up scenario of an issue that the a user may encounter when working in the field.
  2. Showcases a set of screens that were taken from the mobile app analysis to illustrate how the new GV Mobile application would function.


Greta Dauskurtaite

Om oppdragsgiveren

eSmart Systems is a Norwegian company known for its position as a leading provider of AI-based solutions for inspection and maintenance of critical energy infrastructure.

The company originated from an IFE environment and gained its independence in 2012. Since then, eSmart Systems has experienced rapid growth and established offices all over Europe and the US. At first the company worked with various solutions and services in the electricity transmission industry, until they narrowed their focus to their main product - Grid Vision.


Daniela Blauhut, Høyskolen i Østfold. 

Publisert 24. mai 2024 14:54 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 12:29