Kommunens webside for kompetansetilflyttere


Fra venstre mot høyre:  Alexander Ombudstvedt Zarkoob, Cedric Jenssen,  Tim Didrik Asbjørnsen Sandmark, Tony Andris Nordensgaard Hagmansen


Om prosjektet

This assignment was given to the team by Halden municipality. The main objective is improving their present-day website for expats. It is currently limited in information and language and therefore in need of an update as it is used by people that have limited information regarding Norway or Halden municipality. The municipality expresses a wish to present information in a clearer and more concise way, to offer as much help as is required for expats working in the municipality. The overall objective is to ensure that expats have an easier time migrating to Norway and settling in. 

Dette er den nåværende nettsiden til Halden Kommune for kompetansetilflyttere, her er det et tydelig behov for oppdatering og oppgradering for å sikre at den gir relevant informasjon på en brukervennlig måte.


Alexander Ombudstvedt Zarkoob, Cedric Jenssen, Tim Didrik Asbjørnsen Sandmark, Tony Andris Nordensgaard Hagmansen

Om oppdragsgiveren

Halden municipality was established in 1837 with the introduction of self-governance. As a municipal entity they are responsible for providing services and facilities to the local residents. This may or may not include healthcare, infrastructure, education or other services alike. Municipalities are governed by a political leadership chosen by the residents of the local area, which work in tandem with an administrating partner. They work together to ensure the delivery of services to the locals, with roughly 2200 employees.


Mary Luz Sanchez Gordon, Høgskolen i Østfold

Av Alexander Ombudstvedt Zarkoob, Cedric Jenssen, Tim Didrik Asbjørnsen Sandmark, Tony Andris Nordensgaard Hagmansen
Publisert 6. juni 2024 20:31 - Sist endret 6. juni 2024 21:45