BeeMaster General: A beekeeping management app


Stian Karlsen Rusvik, Ashti Mawloudi, Samuele Carlo Davies and Lorena Holmeide.

Fra venstre: Stian Karlsen Rusvik, Ashti Mawloudi, Samuele Carlo Davies and Lorena Holmeide.

Om prosjektet

The purpose of the project is to provide beekeepers in Norway with a digital tool that simplifies their daily routines. The project aims to improve efficiency in beekeeping work by developing a user-friendly mobile application, with the potential to become web-based. The primary goal is to optimize the beekeeper's tasks and alert at specific conditions such as limited space in the beehive, the need for additional feed, and the optimal timing for honey harvest. Such an alert system will also help to avoid unnecessary trips to the beehives.

The task offers the opportunity to work with cross-platform development and integration of a physical sensor within the beehive for monitoring, and it will use the external REST API: Yr’s Location Forecast API for monitoring weather forecasts. This enables accurate weather alerts, which are critical for making informed decisions about beehive maintenance. To ensure user-friendliness, the application will have an intuitive interface, and the project will focus on easy maintenance and expandability through cloud-based solutions for scalability and access to updates and new features.

The project will utilize modern technological frameworks like React Native for its cross-platform compatibility and a rich ecosystem of tools like Expo. Firebase Authentication will offer seamless user authentication, while MobX will efficiently handle application state. React Native Paper will ensure a consistent and appealing visual experience, and i18n-js will enhance the application by offering multilingual support.

This project aims to answer research questions related to how specific weather conditions affect honey bee colonies, the use of beehive weight changes as an indicator of swarming behaviour, and the effectiveness of sensor technologies in beekeeping. The findings from these questions will inform the decisions made in the development of the application and ensure that it becomes an integrated solution that strengthens the beekeeper's work.


  1. Illustration of the Mobile Application Running on an Android Phone.
  2. Illustration of the Weight Sensor Prototype


Stian Karlsen Rusvik, Ashti Mawloudi, Samuele Carlo Davies and Lorena Holmeide.

Om oppdragsgiveren

The client is Østfold University College (HiØ). It is a government educational institution established on August 1, 1994. It is located in Østfold county in the cities of Fredrikstad and Halden. HiØ has a total of approx. 7,565 students, of which approx. 359 foreign students. They offer over 100 studies in a number of subject areas, including Health and welfare, Computer Science, engineering and economics, Teacher Education and Languages, as well as the Norwegian Theatre Academy.

Østfold University College has approximately 650 employees. Our point of contact at HiØ is Ida Katrine Børstad Thoresen. She is a University College Lecturer and teaches at the Department of Computer Science and Communication at HiØ. HiØ focuses on a positive and developmental work environment, where tolerance, respect, inclusion and equality are central. The staff at the university college also actively engage in research within most subject areas, in order to convey new valuable knowledge to other researchers, users and society.


Lars Emil Knudsen, Østfold University College

Publisert 23. apr. 2024 16:13 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 12:20