The difference between the criteria of green finance in France and Norway and the influence on fund performance


Betty Malot and Elise Moreau sits in front of a laptop.

Photo of Betty Malot (left) and Elise Moreau

About the project

Our thesis is a comparative analysis between France and Norway, the topic of green finance in both of these countries is pretty new and also still evolving which makes it very interesting.

In order to be able to do a comparison for our project, we got familiar with the history of green finance as well as all the labels and criteria that now exist, such as the ESG ratings and the new EU Taxonomy regulation or the ISR Label for France too. We are focusing on the green investment funds that banks have to offer to their clients and use the Sharpe ratio in order to measure their performance over time.

Our data comes from two banks in Norway, DNB and Storebrand, and two banks in France, Société Générale and BNP Paribas.

ESGs are now very present in the investment environment. The ESG ratings seem to matter more and more in accordance with the importance of sustaining « green and social » projects. The funds offered by banks are attractive and popular amongst the clients, which illustrates a growing interest for these « greener » options. This development makes it a very captivating topic to work on. As students in international business, and specialized in green business, we were curious about the sustainable aspect starting to appear in the financial world.


  1. The DNB Bank, a Norwegian bank, one of those that we will be working with, it's part of our sample for our data analysis. 
  2. The Société Générale, a French bank, which is also a bank that's part of our sample and from which we interviewed an employee. 

Project members

Elise Moreau
Betty Malot

About the client

Østfold University College
Department of economics, innovation and society
Cases: DNB and Storebrand, and two banks in France, Société Générale and BNP Paribas. 


Hong Wu, Høgskolen i Østfold


Publisert 2. mai 2023 10:53 - Sist endret 27. mai 2024 14:44