Why has the Cognac market failed its expansion in Norway?


The two students, Héliade and Nada, sits in front of their lap top.

Picture of Héliade Bonnin (t.l.) and Nada Berouayel

About the project

This project deals with the failure of the expansion of cognac in Norway.
To treat this topic, the group of students followed three research questions which were Why did the cognac consumption decrease in Norway? What are the reasons for this failure? (influences, habits, trends..) and What are the marketing strategies we could use to fix this issue?

The first question, which investigates the reasons for the decrease in cognac consumption, is

crucial in identifying the underlying causes of the problem. By examining consumer habits and consumption patterns, the students can gain insights into the factors that led to the decline in demand for cognac in Norway.

The second research question is also significant as it aims to identify the broader context of the issue. This includes examining factors such as competition from other spirits, changing consumer preferences, and economic factors that may have played a role in the decline of cognac consumption. Identifying these factors can help the students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.
Finally, the third research question, which focuses on identifying potential marketing strategies to address the problem, is critical in identifying solutions to the issue. By examining successful marketing strategies in other markets and applying them to the Norwegian context, the students can develop targeted advertising, product innovation, partnerships with mixologists, and education campaigns that can potentially increase cognac consumption in Norway.

After a quick overview of what this product is, the students will explain how the expansion was a failure on the Norwegian market through interviews and qualitative research.

Using only qualitative methods can provide valuable insights into the issue of cognac expansion in Norway. Qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews with consumers, bartenders, and industry experts can help the students gain a deeper understanding of the issue and identify potential solutions. Through these interviews, the students can gather rich, detailed information about consumer habits, preferences, and attitudes towards cognac.

Alcohol-abuse is harmful to your health - consume in moderation.


  1. Hélida Bonnin
  2. Nada Berouayel

Project members

Nada Berouayel
Héliade Bonnin

About the client

Østfold University College
Faculty of Computer Sciences, Engineering and Economics

The Østfold University College, also known as Høgskolen i Østfold (HiØ), is a public
university located in the south east of Norway. The college was founded in 1994 and has
since then become a reputable institution that offers high-quality education and research
opportunities to students.
HiØ offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as business,
engineering, nursing, social sciences, and teacher education.
The university has two main campuses in the cities of Halden and Fredrikstad, both of which
are equipped with modern facilities and resources for students. The Halden campus is the
largest of the two and houses the faculties of technology, health, and society, while the
Fredrikstad campus is home to the faculties of arts and education, as well as the College's
The Østfold University College has an enrollment of nearly 8,000 students. The majority of
these students are pursuing regular undergraduate and graduate programs, with approximately 4,000 studying at the Halden campus and nearly 3,000 at the Fredrikstad campus. In addition, there are almost 1,000 students who are enrolled in continuing and advanced education programs offered by HiØ VIDERE across both campuses.


Irina N. Roddvik, Østfold University College

Publisert 2. mai 2023 10:53 - Sist endret 27. mai 2024 14:39