Setup and operation of an e-learning platform


The four project members Jonas Teigen Sørgård, Mikel Aristu Kortazar, Sonia El Ouahabi Amaiua and Anton Kjus stands on a row.

From the left: Jonas Teigen Sørgård, Mikel Aristu Kortazar, Sonia El Ouahabi Amaiua, Anton Kjus

About the project

The purpose of this project is to set up a robust and comprehensive platform for Moodle with a complete infrastructure. The platform will be used by Orange Business Services to provide their technicians with training materials so that they can develop their skills.

The objectives of the project include setting up a virtualization platform, servers, database, web server, SSO solution and a fully functional Moodle installation.
To ensure the platform’s reliability it must be secure, redundant, and scalable, capable of handling an audience of between 50-100 users.
All configurations, technologies and maintenance shall be documented in detail so that the solution can be put into production later.

For this project to succeed the platform must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be secure against unauthorized access and tested for known vulnerabilities.
  • Web server and database shall be configured with redundancy and load balancing.
  • The service and underlying infrastructure will be monitored for operational disruptions using the TICK stack.
  • All configurations, choices of services and technologies, and necessary maintenance tasks shall be well documented.

Scope of Work:

  • Set up a virtualization platform and servers
  • Secure the platform against known vulnerabilities.
  • Perform a virtual clustering and configure the firewall to prevent unauthorized access from outside sources.
  • Configuring the web server and database with redundancy and load balancing.
  • Setting up a SSO solution.
  • Installing and configuring Moodle.
  • Installing and configuring the TICK Stack.
  • Testing the platform.
  • Document all configurations, technologies, and maintenance tasks.

Setting up a secure, redundant, and scalable platform for Moodle, will enable Orange Business Services to provide their technicians with flexible e-learning materials.
This platform will ensure that technicians have access to training materials at any time, regardless of their physical location.

  1. The picture shows the design of our virtual architecture of our system.

  2. Our physical server provided by Orange Business Services. We have set up everything in this server, it is installed in a storage room at the university but most of the work we have done it from home connecting to the main control panel of the hypervisor installed in the server.

Project members

Sonia El Ouahabi Amaiua
Anton Kjus
Jonas Teigen Sørgård
Mikel Aristu Kortazar 

About the client

Orange Business Services is a provider of digital services to businesses and organizations. It is a subsidiary of Orange S.A, a telecommunications company based in France. With 29,100 employees worldwide, they combine global presence with a local approach to design new business models with their clients and unlock their full potential. Orange Business Services offers a wide range of services, including:

  • Network services: They provide global, hybrid and local network services.
  • Cloud Services: They offer infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).
  • Security Services: They provide network security, data security and cybersecurity consulting services.
  • Collaboration Services: They offer collaboration services, such as unified communications, video conferencing and collaboration platforms.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Services: They provide device management, data management and connectivity services for IoT services.
  • Managed Services: They offer a range of managed services, including network and security management, cloud and hosting services and IT outsourcing services.
  • Professional services: They provide professional services to help customers implement and maintain their digital solutions.

They create a positive impact both for their businesses and for the world around them, including various industries such as finance, healthcare, retail, transportation, and manufacturing.


Marius Geitle, Høgskolen i Østfold

Publisert 25. apr. 2023 08:46 - Sist endret 31. mai 2023 13:01