
Erasmus+ Mobility Report Staff Mobility Training

Name: Kari Anne Fange kari.a.fange@hiof.no, Hong Wu hong.wu@hiof.no

Duration: 8/05/2023 to 11/05/2023

Visited institutions:

A short summary of visit:

Attended UPCT international staff week with the program in details (this link might last only with limited openings after the events):


Important meetings with and contact information of UPCT colleagues:

  • Dean of Faculty of Business Studies at UPCT. Prof. Dr. Miguel Ángel Tobarra González. Angel.Martinez@upct.es.  Agenda: Double degree with openings, see and benchmarking with a German partner.
  • Vice-Dean International, Faculty of Business Studies at UPCT. Prof.  Natalia Carbajosa Palmero natalia.carbajosa@upct.es. Future contact coordinator for student mobility actions.  
  • Head of International office. Beatriz Marín Noriega Bea.Marin@upct.es. Beatriz is an important and key resourced UPCT colleague for overall coordinating for entire UPCT, covering all faculties and departments.

Other relevant information attached: UPCT is grouping with 7 other partners in alliance of European University of Technology (EUt+):


Key contact persons and existing resourced UPCT colleagues:

Further possible for joining steps: The president/rector of an applicant university should contact the General Secretary of EuT+ sgk@univ-tech.eu.

Short and informal meetings with and contact information of UM colleagues:

  • UM Coordinator for Erasmus+ International Mobility. Lucilia Adriana Fontes da Fonseca lfonseca@um.es. Inquiry for connecting with UM Business faculty was forwarded and further coordinated, awaiting currently for further UM responding.

See UPCT news and photo for the international staff week.


See UPCT news and a short video for the event:


Few other network and new contacts made through informal chats and meetings during UPCT international staff wee, among these some universities and professors from North Africa, some details are available upon request.

Information about the host university - La Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT)

World rank 1653, country rank 51 (ref. UniRank)


Information about the visited university during the staff week program - La Universidad de Murcia

World rank 476, country rank 17 (ref. UniRank)


Compared with HIOF world rank 1206, country rank 6 (ref. UniRank)



Established in 1998, the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Technical University of Cartagena) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the small city of Cartagena (population range of 50,000-249,999 inhabitants), Region of Murcia.

UPCT has a long term and reliable network with HIOF-ING, in bachelor, PhD and research collaboration.


Founded in 1272, the Universidad de Murcia (University of Murcia) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the urban setting of the medium city of Murcia (population range of 250,000-499,999 inhabitants), Region of Murcia.

UM has an Erasmus bachelor agreement with HIOF-IT. An inquiry for extensive collaboration with UM business faculty was forwarded and awaiting further actions.

Practical traveling information:

Distance Alicante - Cartagena, estimated 100 km. There are public transports, bus or train, with limited and inconvenient schedule. Renting car is a most practical solution in many cases.





Publisert 18. mai 2023 13:03 - Sist endret 18. mai 2023 13:10