Danuta Aniela Tomczak

Institutt for økonomi, innovasjon og samfunn
Kontakt Studiested

Faglige interesser

Samfunnsøkonomiske systemer, globaliseringsformer, Sentral Europa, Polen & EU, samfunnsutvikling og rettferdighet


Har undervist i mikroøkonomi, offentlig økonomi, internasjonal økonomi, global markeds and institutions, transition economies og mange relaterte gjestekurs hos utenlandske partner universiteter


Mastergrad i samfunnsøkonomi, Universitetet i Warszawa (UW) 1969,  doktorgrad Det Teknologiske Universitetet i Warszawa 1977,  kurs i pedagogikk i Polen og Norge, Tolkeutdanning v/Universitetet i Oslo 1986, Ansatt som vitenskapelig assistent v/ Det Teknologiske Universitetet i Warszawa  (TUW) i 1969. Jobbet i delstilling i Kunnskaps- og Høyreutdanningsdepartementet i Warszawa med mottak av utenlandske studenter/doktorgradsstipendiater 1971-74. 

Flyktningekonsulent i Halden kommune 1984, fra september 1985 -2017 ansatt som amanuensis/førstelektor ved Østfold Distriktshøgskole, etter fusjon Høgskolen i Østfold. 

Aktuelt tilknytningsavtale med HiØ, prosjekt- og forskningssamarbeid.


Rektors undervisningspris TUW for fremragende undervisning 1975

Rektors undervisningspris ØDH 1990


Tidligere fagforeningsleder for Forskerforbundet v/ØDH

Avdelingsstyremedlem v/ØDH 1994-2003, Leder for Institutt for Samfunnsfag 1997-99, 

Medlem/varamedlem i Nasjonalutvalg for SOCRATES/ERASMUS  i Norge 1997-2006

Studiekoordinator for International Business Programme 1992 - 2017 

Medlem i Internasjonaliseringsutvalg v/ HiØ 2011-2016


Samarbeidet med mange utenlandske høgskoler og universiteter med student-rekruttering,  student- og lærerutveksling og prosjekter. Institusjoner med direkte kontakter: Warsaw University, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw University of Life Science, Nicolai Copernicus University in Torun, Jagiellonian University i Krakow, University of Vilnius, EuroFaculty at University of Latvia, Stockholm School of Economics & Business i Riga,  University of Torino, ESDES Lyon, KdG Antwerpen og Leuven, Hogeschool/University in Gronningen(NL)  University of Pecs (H), University of Huddersfield, University of Newcastle, North Ossetian University (Russland) Bilgi University i Istanbul, Hochschule i Bremen, Tbilisi State University, Georgia.

EEA/Norway grants forskningsprosjekter COMPETE 2007-2010, InnoGEND 2013-2016




  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2023). The Unpredicted Rise of Populism:The Case of Poland. Central European Economic Journal. ISSN 2543-6821. 10(57), s. 304–322. doi: 10.2478/ceej-2023-0018.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2019). Dyskurs wokół uniwersalnego dochodu podstawowego - opinie w Norwegii(Discourse on universal basic income in Norway). Polityka Społeczna. ISSN 0137-4729. XLVI (541)(4), s. 30–36.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2017). Równość społeczna jako czynnik rozwoju gospodarczego - doświadczenia skandynawskie (Equality as an incentive to economic development - the Scandinavian experience). Biuletyn polskiego towarzystwa ekonomicznego. ISSN 1507-1383. 76(1), s. 7–14.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Gender Equality Policies and Their Outcomes in Norway. Zarzadzanie Publiczne. ISSN 2084-3968. 36(4), s. 379–391. doi: 10.4467/20843968ZP.17.032.6041.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2015). Gender in economics. I Okon-Horodynska, Ewa & Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, Anna (Red.), Statistical profiles of women's and men's status in the economy, science and society. Jagiellonian University Press. ISSN 978-83-233-4007-2. s. 29–45.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2015). Dylematy kierowania gospodarka w dobie globalizacji. I Maczynska, Elzbieta (Red.), Modele ustroju spoleczno-gospodarczego. Kontrowersje I dylematy. Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne. ISSN 9788388700996. s. 102–119.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2013). Polityka równości drogą do innowacji w regionach? Zeszyty Nayukowe WSEI EKONOMIA. ISSN 2081-8009. 6(1/2013), s. 103–123.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2012). Channels to innovation in regions - can equality policy helps? Zeszyty Nayukowe WSEI EKONOMIA. ISSN 2081-8009. 4(1), s. 99–119.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Tufte, Geir Conrad (2011). Political and social participation in five Polish municipalities: a COMPETE survey data analysis. I Okon-Horodynska, Ewa (Red.), Potential for sustained development in selected Polish municipalities. University of Warsaw Press. ISSN 978-83-235-0865-6. s. 59–73.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Tufte, Geir Conrad (2011). The impact of social participation on human development : Poland compared with six European countries. I Liberda, Barbara (Red.), Wellbeing and competences of individuals in local communities in Poland. University of Warsaw Press. ISSN 978-83-235-0873-1. s. 13–34.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Global economy : the chance for active regions. I Liberda, Zofia Barbara & Grochowska, Anna (Red.), Civilizational competences and regional development in Poland. University of Warsaw Press. ISSN 978-83-235-0493-1. s. 167–182.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Internasjonalisering som strategi for studiekvalitetsutvikling : ØDHs og HiØs studium i internasjonal økonomi som kasus Internationalisation as a strategy for quality improving of the study-programme: the case of International Busimness Programme at Østfold Regional College/ Østfold University College, Mellom plikt og rett - tanker om og arbeid med Kvalitetsreformen ved Avdeling for samfunnsfag og fremmedspråk. Høgskolen i Østfold. s. 119–136.
  • Hansen, Svein Kolstad & Tomczak, Danuta (1998). Undervisning i storgrupper - fagevaluering som redskap for en bedre undervisningskvalitet: et case fra Økad-studiet ved HiTø. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 20(3), s. 56–69.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (1997). Inercultural Communication: across old frontiers between Eastern and Western Europe. ?. s. 33–36.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (1997). Intercultural Communication: across old frontiers between Eastern and Western Europe. ?. s. 33–36.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tomczak, Danuta (2011). Capability to social progress in Poland's regions. University of Warsaw Press. ISBN 978-83-235-0881-6. 216 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2023). Hva skjer med populismen i Polen men en ny regjering?
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2023). Populism in Poland - why?
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2023). Globalism as a factor for populism increase - the case of Poland.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2022). G-local solutions - a smart strategy in deglobalization era.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2022). Institutional conditions for social equality in Poland and Norway.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2022). Historiske fremstillinger av samfunn i 21. århundre – visjoner og virkelighet.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2021). Combating pandemics in Norway. Baltic Rim Economies. ISSN 1795-5076. 3(3), s. 49–50.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2020). Globalization`s progress and challenges; a fair society with equal opportunities for all.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2020). Norway`s strategy to cope with Corona pandemics. Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarzadzanie. ISSN 1731-7398. 18(1), s. 59–64. doi: 10.4467/20842627OZ.20.005.12659.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2019). Tverrfaglighet - hvorfor og hvordan bør den styrkes.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2019). Democratic and wealthy Ukraine - can Scandinavian model help?
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2019). Nordyckie modele szkolnictwa - równość szans i równe traktowanie jako podstawowe zasady.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2018). Saugbrugs Norske Skog - The Globalisation`s Local Dimension.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2018). Oskar Lange - teoretiker og politiker - et dilemma med verdi og vurdering.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela; Liberda, Barbara; Okon-Horodynska, Ewa; Wisla, Rafal & Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, Anna (2017). Podsumowanie projektu "InnoGend" - panel dyskusyjny (Oppsummering av InnoGend prosjekt - panel debatt). Biuletyn polskiego towarzystwa ekonomicznego. ISSN 1507-1383. 1(1(76)), s. 26–31.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Scandinavian model - economic policy principles and priorities in Norway.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Innovative gender - the equality policy setbacks and outcomes.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Gender diversity - what effects does it bring?
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Przesiębiorczość i innowacyjność kobiet i mężczyzn: doświadczenia norweskie. [Internett]. Debata PTE Warszawa.
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2016). Norway's gender equality policies - do they enhance diversity?
  • Tomczak, Danuta Aniela (2015). Best in all...? Norwegian paradoxes.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2014). The global financial system - challenges today.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2014). Is gender relevant in economics?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2014). The democratic Europe – does economy matter?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2014). The International Financial System . the crisis of 2008 and its consequences.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2013). Innovative Gender - The Polish-Norwegian Research Project.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2013). Dylematy kierowania gospodarka w dobie globalizacji (Dilemmas of managing economy in globalization era).
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2012). Nytte av Schumpeters lære i aktuell økonomisk debatt.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2012). Polityka równości drogą do innowacji w regionach?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2011). Norge: flerkulturell, men ikke nødvendigvis integrert.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2011). Globalna wolnoamerykanka (Det globale frie spill). Pomorski Przeglad Gospodarczy. ISSN 1506-6150. 50(3), s. 18–21.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2011). The global financial system - time to change.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2011). Development indicators - what matters?: The analysis of survey data on Poland.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Tufte, Geir C. (2010). Political and social participation in five Polish municipalities: a COMETE survey data analysis.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Tufte, Geir C. (2010). The impact of social participation on human development - Poland compared with six European countries.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2010). Marx i dag - fortsatt noe å lære av hans verk?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2010). Women in company management.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2010). Innowacje - pozycja i rola kobiet: doswiadczenia norweskie Innovations - position and role of women: a case of Norway.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2010). "Glocality" : a new approach to open regionalism.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Managing money and household budgets - reflections on life quality and success.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Quality of life - economics of happinness?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Overcomsumption in an affluent society - an anthropologic reflection.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Norway's relations with the EU.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Norway's relation to the EU and EEA agreement.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Tufte, Geir C. (2009). Civilization competences and economic development : a cross country comparison of selected indicators.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Czy tworczy i intelektualny potencjal kobiet jest doceniany w nauce i biznesie - doswiadczenia skandynawskie Kvinner som ressurs - skandinaviske erfaringer.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). Civilisation competences - an infrastructure to progress in a global economy.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2009). The Norwegian public sector and e-government.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2008). Economics of happiness.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2008). Growth of Regions : comments on recently published reports and papers.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2008). Glocal regions - who wins the game in a global economy?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2007). Norway's relations with the European Union.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2007). Governance, values, relations in the Norwegian society.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). The impact of globalisation on the EU future.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). Turkey - a new member of the EU?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). Norway and the European Union.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). Aktiv studentdeltagelse i undervisning - hvordan fungerer det? : et case fra egen undervisning i Topics in International Economics.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). Oskar Lange (1904 -1965) : a hundred years perspective?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2006). Multilateralism and regional integration in a global economy, Sammendrag : Det 28. nasjonale forskermøte for økonomer 3-4. januar 2006, Bergen.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2005). The Asian challenge for Europe.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2005). International Business in a regional, international and global perspective.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2005). Globalisation and the financial markets development.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2005). Rethinking multilateralism and regional integration in a globalising economy.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2004). The European Union enlargement: what new member countries can learn from historical experience?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2004). The European Union Enlargement - will integration of unequal economies be successful?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Will the EU-accession improve the labour market in Poland?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Role of the financial market in finacing economic development.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Globalisation of capital: trends, evidence and consequences in the 1990s.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Integration of unequal economies: a convergence or divergence after the EU accession.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2003). Integration of unequal economies - the case of European Union enlargement.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2002). OM-Technology bid on LSE - a small company challeging the financial market.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2002). The Nordic Business Environment.
  • Tomczak, Danuta & Hanisch, Tore Jørgen (2002). Transition Economies at the Roundabout.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). A strategy for a Competitive Business Education - how to communicate and with whom.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). New EU-applicants preparation for membership.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). New EU-applicants preparation for membership.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). Financial markets challenge to business: a case on OM-Technology bid for the London Stock Exchange.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). The integration of the Europen financial markets.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). A small country perspective to the EU-membership: Norway's experience and the new applicants position.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). Financial markets challenge to business: a case on OM-Technology bid for the London Stock Exchange.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2001). Nowa czy tradycyjna ekonomia - czego i jak uczyc? Czy ksztaltowanie postaw i refleksji etycznej studentow jest zadaniem uczelni? Ny eller tradisjonell økonomi - hva skal vi undervise om og hvordan?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (2000). Oskar Lange - forgotten socialist or (still) respected scientist?
  • Tomczak, Danuta (1999). Valutamegleren - en alkymist? ?. 21, s. 37–40.
  • Tomczak, Danuta (1997). Intercultural Communication in Economics and Business in an Enlarged Europe.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 22. sep. 2021 14:32 - Sist endret 22. sep. 2021 14:33