Recent publications

Our members publish their research in peer-reviewed journals, academic books and textbooks. See also the Cristin pages of our members.


- The group members are publishing! Here are the last publications:

  • Mósesdóttir, L. & Jonsson, I. (2023). Governing Towards Sustainable Development: From a Path-Dependent Transition to a Disruptive One. In. H. S. Sætra (Ed.), Technology and Sustainable Development The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism. Routledge. 
  • Mósesdóttir, L. & Jonsson, I. (2023). Techno-Solutionism in the Era of Post-Liberal Oligarchic Capitalismn. H. S. Sætra (Ed.),Technology and Sustainable Development The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism. Routledge. 

  • Roddvik, I., Leick, B. & Gundersen, R. (2023) Entrepreneurial Decision-making and the Hunt for the ‘Right’ Internationalisation Strategy with a State-owned Enterprise. Emerald.

  •  Leick, B.,Gretzinger, S., Roddvik, I. ( 2023). Creative-artistic entrepreneurs and embeddedness in non-urban places: unveiling the “black box” through a resource exchange and network embeddedness logicInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research.


Roddvik, I; Leick B. ( 2022) Illusion and deprivation of control: Entrepreneurial practices of SMEs during internationalisation in Russia in a  book International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Contexts, Behaviours, and Successful Entry. Routledge, 2020.

Roddvik, I.; Leick, B.; Roddvik V. Norwegian entrepreneurs (1880s-1930s) and their “new America”: a historical perspective on transnationalentrepreneurship and ecosystem development in the Russian Arctic. Journal of Historical Management, 2022/ Emerald Publishing House


Vinogradov, E.; Kivedal, B.K.; Leick, B. (2020), An agent-based modelling approach to housing market regulations and Airbnb-induced tourism. Tourism Management. Vol. 77.

Leick, B.; Eklund, M.A.; Kivedal, B.K. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurs in the Sharing Economy: A Case Study on Airbnb and Regional Economic Development in Norway. In: Strømmen-Bahktiar, A.; Vinogradov, E. (eds.). The Impact of the Sharing Economy on Businesses and Society: From Gig Economy to Financial Services. Ch. 5, Routledge. Forthcoming.



Badshah, I.; Timochenko, K.Y. (2019). Civil service reforms in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Progress so far, implementation barriers and challenges. In: Jamil, I. (et al., eds.). Civil Service Management and Administrative Systems in South Asia, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 149-172

Berglund, L.; Bourmistrov, A. (2019). Ukrainian and Norwegian experiences from the Retraining and Social Adaptation Project for Ukrainian military service members and their families.

Berglund, L.; Eklund, M.A. (2019). Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility: An Example of The Military Personnel and Family Members In Ukraine. In: Nord universitet (ed.). FoU-rapport. 43.

Borgersen, T.A.; Kivedal, B.K. (2019). Igangsetting og boligprisvekst. Er effekten symmetrisk mellom boligmarkedssegmenter? Praktisk økonomi & finans. Volume 35 (2): 132-149.

Leick, B. (2019). Steering through tough times? Insights into the strategy-formation of small firms to adapt to demographic challenges. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. Volume 10 (2): 163-186. DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2019.097931

Mayer, H.; Leick, B. (2019). Entrepreneurship and ageing: exploring an economic geography perspective. In: Karlsson, C.; Backman, M.; Kekesi, O. (eds.). Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Aging. Edward Elgar. Part I, Ch. 3. Forthcoming. Published as CRED Working Paper no. 22, Centre of Regional Economic Development at the University of Bern, Switzerland.



Andreassen, J-E. (2018). A system analysis of high-involvement innovation: An enabler for implementation of Lean. In: Volkova, V. (ed.). The proceedings of XXII International Scientific Conference 2018: System analysis in designing and management. 22-24 May. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Badshah, I,; Mellemvik, F. (2018). Development of accounting and financial reporting practices in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In: Lin, Z. (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Accounting in Asia. Routledge, pp. 67-82. DOI: 10.4324/9781315641867.ch4.

Leick, B.; Lang, T. (2018). Re-thinking non-core regions: Planning strategies and practices beyond growth. European Planning Studies. Volume 26 (2): 213-228. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2017.1363398

Leick, B.; Gretzinger, S. (2018). Brokerage and governance for business networks: a metasynthesis-based discussion. Journal of Management and Governance. Online first. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-018-9403-2

Leick, B.; Gretzinger, S. (2018). Institutional entrepreneurship: a different perspective on political entrepreneurs? In: Karlsson, C.; Silander, C.; Silander, D. (eds.). Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe: Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Edward Elgar, pp. 42-55. 

Leick, B.; Gretzinger, S. (2018). Local cases of institutional entrepreneurship: change agents in regions facing demographic change. In: Karlsson, C.; Silander, C.; Silander, D. (eds.). Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe: Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Edward Elgar, pp. 254-269.

Leick, B.; Gretzinger, S. (2018). Netzwerk-Broker als interdisziplinäres Forschungsthema: Einblicke in die qualitative Metasynthese zur Aggregation und Reflektion empirischer Studien. In: Wintzer, J. (ed.). Sozialraum erforschen: Qualitative Methoden in der Geographie. Springer Spektrum, pp. 331-350.

Borgersen, T.A.; Kivedal, B.K. (2018). Commercial Real Estate at the ZLB: Investment Demand and CAPM-WACC Invariance. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Volume 13 (1): 32-53.



Aldogan Eklund, M. (2017). New Short Living Cases on Corporate Governance, In: Hilb, Martin (ed.) University Governance: The Case Study from Bahcesehir University (BAU), Springer Publishers. Forthcoming.

Andreassen, J.-E. (2017). User-producer innovation for development of the business model in a regional firm. In: Bernhard, I. (ed.). The proceedings of 20. Uddevalla Symposium 2017: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Industrial Dynamics in Internationalized Regional Economies at Trollhättan, Sweden. University West. Trollhättan: University West. ISBN 978-91-87531-61-2. ISSN 2002-6188.

Maroof, L.; Javid, A.J.; Badshah, I. (2017). Do Mutual Funds Remain Persistent? Evidence from Pakistan. In: South Asian Journal of Management Sciences, Volume 11 (1): 60-75. DOI: 10.21621/sajms.2017111.05

Abbas, M.; Badshah, I. (2017). Institutional Investment and Stock Returns Volatility at Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), In: FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 11 (1): 219-229.

Berglund, L.; Aldogan Eklund, M. (2017). Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility: An Example of the Military Personnel and Family Members in Ukraine. In: Bourmistov, Anatoli (ed.). Forthcoming book chapter.

Eklund, A., Helmefalk, M. (2017). Visual-Tactile Multisensory Interplay: Literature Review and Research Directions. In: Proceedings of the 12th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing. 179-191.

Borgersen, T.A.; Kivedal, B.K. (2017). Risikojustert meravkastning i boligmarkedet. In: Praktisk økonomi og finans. Volume 33 (1): 113-135. DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-2871-2017-01-09.

Kivedal, B.K.. (2017). A new Keynesian framework and wage and price dynamics in the USA. In: Empirical Economics. Volume 55 (3): 1271-1289. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-017-1320-8.

Gretzinger, S.; Leick, B. (2017). Brokerage-based value creation: The case of a Danish offshore business network. In: The IMP Journal. Volume 11 (3): 353-375. DOI: 10.1108/IMP-02-2016-0004.

Leick, B. (2017). Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsgeographie. In: Broll, G. (et al., eds.). Diercke Wörterbuch Geographie. Braunschweig: Westermann 2017. ISBN 9783141008401.

Leick, B. (2017). Institutional entrepreneurs and small firms: How firm practices are being shaped in the context of demographic transformations. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Volume 29 (1): 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2016.1248055.

Leick, B.; Glorius, Birgit. (2017). Editorial on the special issue "Theorising and narrating the geographies of demographic change". Comparative Population Studies. Volume 41 (3-4):  207-224. DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2017-05en.

Matuschewski, A.; Leick, B.; Demuth, M. (2017). Growth-based Theories for Declining Regions? A Note on Conceptualisations of Demographic Change for Regional Economic Development. Comparative Population Studies. Volume 41 (3-4): 225-254. DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2017-04en

Rynning, M.R. (2017). The Influence of New Technology on the Home Market Competition and the Strategies Chosen by Norwegian Savings Banks in 2000–2010. Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume 38 (2): 252-276. DOI: 10.1002/mde.2774.

Syvertsen, C.M. (2017). Can small banks lead the way out of the crisis in the OECD area? International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration. Volume 4 (1):  34-44. DOI: 10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.41.1005

Syvertsen, C.M. (2017). Towards a regional-global organizational model for leading research driven business schools: findings from a longitudinal study in China, Europe and the USA from 2010 until 2016. Problems & Perspectives in Management, Volume 15 (2): 36-45. DOI: 10.21511/ppm.15(2).2017.03.

Tufte, G.C.; Belmonte-Martin, I. (2017). Spain’s and Norway’s Welfare Regimes Compared: An Outcome-based Evaluation of how Welfare Regimes Influence the Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion. Journal of Poverty. Volume 21 (4): 372-387. DOI: 10.1080/10875549.2016.1204647.

Wu, H. (2017). The Essentiality of Sustainability and Variety for Industry Collaborations with University Partners. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning 2017 ; Volume 10 (2): 19-29. Link:



Andreassen, J.E. (2016). The innovation process in cross-border region firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Volume 29 (2): 244-269.

Andreassen, J.E.; Lankin. V. (2016). Comparative analysis of employee involvement in firms’ innovation and innovative capabilities in two regions' industries. In: The conference proceedings of 16th International Multidisciplary Scientific Geoconference SQEM 2016: Book 5 Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation. Albena, Bulgaria. Sofia: STEF92Technology Ltd. ISBN: 978-619-7105-67-4. ISSN: 1314-2704

Andreassen, J.E.; Lankin. V.;  Shashkin, A. (2016). Economic system management, centralization/decentralization aspect. In: The conference proceedings of 16th International Multidisciplary Scientific Geoconference SQEM 2016: Book 5 Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation (Volume III). Albena, Bulgaria. Sofia: STEF92Technology Ltd. ISBN: 978-619-7105-67-4. ISSN: 1314-2704

Andreassen, J.E. (2016). The nature of open business models around organizational innovation for a firm. In: Bernhard, I. (ed.). The proceedings of 19. Uddevalla Symposium 2016: Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship at Birkbeck, London University,  30 June-3 July. London. Trollhättan: University West. ISBN 978-91-87531-39-2. ISSN 2002-6188.

Andreassen, J.E.; Makarova, E.; Khlebnikova. A. (2016). High-involvement innovation model in border regions construction industry: comparative analysis Norway & Russia. In: Bernhard, I. (ed.). The proceedings of 19. Uddevalla Symposium 2016: Geography, Open Innovation, Diversity and Entrepreneurship at Birkbeck, London University, 30 June-3 July. London. Trollhättan: University West. ISBN 978-91-87531-39-2. ISSN 2002-6188.

Grinenko, S., Makarova, E., Andreassen, J.E.(2016). Trends and Features of Student Research Integration in Educational Program. In: Chigisheva, O, Popov, N. (eds). BCES Conference Books. Volume 14. Number 2.  PROCEEDINGS of the 15 International Partner Conference as a part of the 14 Annual International BCES: Education provision to everybody: Comparing perspectives around the world. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society. Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 978-954-92908-0-6. ISSN:1314-4693

Bondarev, M., Zashchitina E., Andreassen, J.E. (2016). Student international research project on employees’ involvement in innovation: experience and outcomes. In: Chigisheva, O, Popov, N. (eds). BCES Conference Books. Volume 14. Number 2.  PROCEEDINGS of the 15 International Partner Conference as a part of the 14 Annual International BCES: Education provision to everybody: Comparing perspectives around the world. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society. Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 978-954-92908-0-6. ISSN : 1314-4693

Pedersen, A.O.; Hoff, K.G.; Voldsund, T.; Kolstad Hansen, S. (2016). Grunnleggende regnskap 1: Finansregnskapet. Universitetsforlaget. 2016. ISBN 978-82-15-02793-7. 433 s.

Syvertsen, C.M. (2016). Can economic growth be achieved in top management consulting using principles from the business federation? Findings from a Norwegian longitudinal study from 1984 until 1998. Problems & Perspectives in Management. Volume 14 (3): 144-153. DOI: 10.21511/ppm.14(31).2016.01.

Syvertsen, C.M. (2016). How engineering and business schools can benefit from using regionalization in a globalized world-insights from Kant and chaos theory. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration. Volum 2 (11): 7-14. DOI: 10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.211.1001

Tufte, G.C.; Jin, H.; Wu, H. (2016). Risk of a ‘revolution of rising expectations’ in China?. China Journal of Social Work;Volum 9 (2): 141-154. DOI: 10.1080/17525098.2016.1231253.

Kjørstad, M.; Koht, H.; Reinholde, I.; Tufte, G.C. (2016). Legal norms, Profesional values, and practical ethics in local government: Elderly care in Latvia, Lithuania, and Norway. Barataria. Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales. Volum 21: 131-149. DOI: 10.20932/barataria.v0i21.197.