Under arbeid

Forskergruppens medlemmer jobber for tiden med blant annet følgende:

  • Artjoms Ivlevs og Roswitha M. King: Emigration and tobakko-smoking among those staying behind. Under review in "Journal of Migration and Health"

  • Artjoms Ivlevs og Roswitha M. King: Benefits for whom? Expected distributional effects from EU membership and support for joining the EU. Under review in "Economics of Transition and Institutional Change"

  • Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal: “Long run non-linearity in CO2 Emissions: The I(2) Cointegration Model and the Environmental Kuznets Curve” Under review. Available as Research Square preprint DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2778257/v1 

  • Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal: “Natural disasters, insurance claims and regional housing markets”. Under review. Available as Housing Lab Working paper series 2023-1