
Professor Roswitha King presenterte artikkelen "Expected distributional effects from EU membership and support for joining the EU" på den internasjonale workshopen 18th CEUS Workshop 2024 ved WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management i Vallendar/Koblenz, Tyskland, 16-17 mai 2024.

Artikkelen er skrevet sammen med medforfatter Artjoms Ivlevs.

Bilde av deltakerne

Bilde av deltakerne. Foto: WHU

Abstract fra artikkelen:

Will joining the European Union (EU) disproportionately benefit the rich or the poor, and can such perceived distributional and inequality effects explain people’s willingness to join the bloc? Drawing on a large household survey conducted in the Western Balkans, we find that people who think that the EU will benefit no one, as well as those who think that it will disproportionately benefit the rich or the poor, are particularly likely to consider that joining the EU would be a bad thing and vote ‘no’ in a hypothetical referendum. The perceived distributional effects are the single most important determinant of EU membership support, explaining a greater share of variation than all other standard determinants of EU support (European identity, support for national government, socio-economic position, demographics, country-fixed effects etc.) combined. Our study highlights the key role of distributional concerns in determining willingness to join the EU in prospective member states.


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Publisert 30. mai 2024 09:34 - Sist endret 30. mai 2024 12:40