Electricity retailing and price dispersion

Førsteamanuensis i samfunnsøkonomi Kari-Anne Fange fra forskergruppen i Anvendt Samfunnsøkonomi ved Institutt for økonomi, innovasjon og samfunn har publisert artikkelen i tidsskriftet Energy Economics

Artikkelens sammendrag (Abstract) gir en oversikt over artikkelens tematikk og viktigste funn.

Abstract: This paper identifies price development in electricity contracts evaluated from the expectation that prices for homogeneous goods converge according to the “law of one price”. The results indicate a substantial degree of price dispersion and that prices fail to converge. By estimation of the long-run relationships and their dynamics, the study identifies that dispersion in specific electricity products seem to be strengthened as more firms enter the market, while increased consumer switching has the opposite effect. Thus, the findings identify market imperfections in the electricity retail market and the possible sources behind it. The study builds on well-established theoretical models to rationalize price dispersion in homogeneous product markets an uses an empirical approach through a vector error correction model (VECM) to identify the long-run relationships.

Publisert 24. mai 2022 08:52 - Sist endret 5. des. 2022 14:31