June Merete Solberg Tolsby

Norwegian version of this page Department of Economics, Innovation and Society
Image of June Merete Solberg Tolsby
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Academic interests

My academic interests include product and service development, product and service development methods, organizational development, team organization, agile project management, and knowledge production during development processes. 


Courses taught

These are some of the courses I teach or have taught:

Product- and service design

System Thinking and Innovation

Sustainable Innovation

Product- and service modeling

Project management



I have a PhD in knowledge harvesting through product development from Aalborg University and the research group IKE (Innovation, knowledge and Economic Dynamics). I have worked with software development, been a researcher, editor, and lecturer for almost 30 years at Østfold Research, Gyldendal publishing house, Aalborg University and OsloMet, respectively. I have published in several international journals and books.


    Tags: Product and Service Development, Teamwork, Knowledge production and Agile Development


    • Tolsby, June Merete Solberg (2018). Organizational learning as participants’ knowledge harvesting from product development . Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 25(6), p. 422–433. doi: 10.1108/TLO-05-2018-0088.
    • Tolsby, June (2008). Identifying knowledge values and knowledge sharing through linguistic methods: application to company web pages, Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments. Information Science Reference.
    • Tolsby, June (2008). Identifying Knowledge Values and Knowledge Sharing through Linguistic Methods. Application to Company Web Pages, Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Networked Environments. Information Science Reference. p. 340–357.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). Understanding a phenomenon : employees interpretation of product development work, IHSRC 2007 Proceedings of the International Human Science Research Conference New frontiers of phenomenology Beyond postmodernism in empirical research. IHSRC 2007 - International Human Science Research Conference New fron.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). Making Employees Interpretation of Product Development Work Comprehensible using a Grounded Theory Approach, Proceedings of The 6th European Conference on Research Methods for Business and Management Studies held at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 9-10 July 2007. ECRM. p. 305–314.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). The Art of Communicating on Innovation in Human Terms. International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review. ISSN 1447-9508. 5(7), p. 81–90.
    • Tolsby, June & Kirkebak, Per (2007). Partaking as Tool for Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Practice. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM). ISSN 1479-4411. 5(1), p. 115–122.
    • Tolsby, June & Kirkebak, Per (2006). The neo-tayloristic role of information and communication technologies in knowledge based economics. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. ISSN 1447-9524. 6(3), p. 121–128.
    • Tolsby, June (2001). Medarbeidernes innflytelse på produktutviklingforløpet, IT og mennesker samspil mellem IT og menneskelige ressourcer i små og mellemstore virksomheder. Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne.
    • Tolsby, June (2000). Taylorism given a helping hand: how an IT system changed employees? flexibility and personal involvement in their work. Journal of Organizational Change Management. ISSN 0953-4814. 13(5).
    • Tolsby, June (1998). Effects of organizational culture on a large scale IT introduction effort: A case study of the Norwegian army's EDBLF project. European Journal of Information Systems. ISSN 0960-085X. 7.

    View all works in Cristin

    • Tolsby, June Merete Solberg (2021). Innovasjon i praksis.
    • Andersson, Gunnar; Tolsby, June Merete Solberg & Johansen, Frode Ramstad (2020). Mediha (30), Anja (23) og Tuva (24) er fremtidens skapere. [Newspaper]. Fredrikstad Blad.
    • Tolsby, June Merete Solberg & Bull, Alexander (2019). Kan musikk gjøre deg mer kreativ?
    • Tolsby, June Merete Solberg (2019). Kunnskapshøsting skaper bedre innovasjon. Dagens Perspektiv. ISSN 2535-6801. 11, p. 27–27.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). Making employees interpretation of product development work comprehensible using a grounded theory approach.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). The art of communicating on innovation in human terms.
    • Tolsby, June (2007). Understanding a phenomenon: employees interpretation of product development work.
    • Kirkebak, Per & Tolsby, June (2006). The neo-Tayloristic role of information and communication technologies in knowledge based economics.
    • Kirkebak, Per & Tolsby, June (2006). Scandinavian stories : organizational learning and change through technological innovation.
    • Tolsby, June & Kirkebak, Per (2006). The power of politics on organizational learning and knowledge creation.
    • Tolsby, June (2005). Bridging Hand and Heart to stimulate Learning in the Organization: A holistic approach to learning. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. ISSN 1477-7282. 19(2), p. 8–10.
    • Tolsby, June (2001). Project Work a Good Compromise for Goal Oriented Work, but not for Learning.
    • Tolsby, June (2001). Learning Processes Occuring during Product Development.
    • Tolsby, June (2001). Moving Knowledge away from the essential Learning Process.
    • Tolsby, June (2000). Technology and Learning Processes: Communicating for a Perfect Work-View?
    • Tolsby, June (2000). Old Research Revisited: The Art of Communicating About Computer Systems and Organisational Change Processes, or How to Understand Talk Using New Tools.
    • Tolsby, June (1996). Effects of organizational culture on a large scale IT introduction effort: A case study of the Norwegian army's EDBLF project.
    • Børve, Brita; Aslesen, Heidi Wiig; Boge, Knut; Brøgger, Benedicte; Garnes, Åge & Lervik, Anne K. Eggen [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2012). Rapport fra prosjektet Nettverksbygging, kompetanse- og studietilbudsutvikling innenfor innovasjon og entreprenørskap i Oslo-, Akershus- og Hedmarksregionen: NU E15. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.
    • Arntzen, Erik & Tolsby, June (2010). Studenten som forsker i utdanning og yrke: vitenskapelig tenkning og metodebruk. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. ISSN 9788248800354.
    • Normann, Steinar; Holt, Øivind; Ramsdal, Helge & Tolsby, June (2004). OR.13.04 Robuste kommuner. Scenarier for kommunestrukturen i Østfold. Østfoldforskning AS. ISSN 82-7520-525-5.
    • Ramsdal, Helge; Holt, Øivind; Normann, Steinar & Tolsby, June (2004). Robuste kommuner : scenarier for kommunestrukturen i Østfold. Stiftelsen Østfoldforskning. ISSN 8275205255.

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    Published June 12, 2018 4:17 PM - Last modified Oct. 20, 2021 7:51 PM