Irina Nikolskaja Roddvik

Norwegian version of this page Department of Economics, Innovation and Society
Image of Irina Nikolskaja Roddvik
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  • Leick, Birgit; Gretzinger, Susanne & Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2023). Creative entrepreneurs and embeddedness in non-urban places: a resource exchange and network embeddedness logic. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. ISSN 1355-2554. 29(5), p. 1133–1157. doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2022-0606.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja; Leick, Birgit & Gundersen, Runar (2023). Entrepreneurial decision-making and the hunt for the “right” internationalisation strategy with a state-owned enterprise, Decision-Making in International Entrepreneurship: Unveiling Cognitive Implications Towards Entrepreneurial Internationalisation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 9781803822341. p. 119–135.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja & Leick, Birgit (2023). Illusion and Deprivation of Control: Entrepreneurial Practices of SMEs During their Internationalisation in Russia. In Jafari-Sadeghi, Vahid & Dana, Leo-Paul (Ed.), International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets: Contexts, Behaviours, and Successful Entry. Routledge. ISSN 9781032110868. p. 297–315.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja; Leick, Birgit & Roddvik, Viktor (2022). Norwegian entrepreneurs (1880-1930s) and their “new America”: a historical perspective on transnational entrepreneurship and ecosystem development in the Russian Arctic. Journal of Management History. ISSN 1751-1348. 28(4), p. 530–552. doi: 10.1108/JMH-11-2021-0067. Full text in Research Archive
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (1994). Filosofskiy roman Iris Murdok (A Philosophical Novel by Iris Murdoch). INION RAN. ISSN 2073-5561.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (1994). Iris Murdoch i russkaya klassika (Iris Murdoch and the Russian classics) I Nikolskaja . Nauchnyye trudy-MPGU -seriya Sotsial'no-istoricheskiye nauki, 42-55. ISSN 2500-2988.

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  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2024). Modulbasert undervisning som svar på en sammensatt verden: Erfaringer fra bærekraftig ledelse.
  • Wenstøp, Søren Henrik & Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2023). Nye strukturer, nye muligheter! Sustainable Leadership som eksempel på modulbasert undervisning.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja & Wenstøp, Søren Henrik (2023). Hvordan skape forskningsmiljø gjennom undervisning? Erfaringer fra kurset Sustainable Leadership.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). The social-economic models in a global world. Case - Norway - a focus on the innovative approach.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). Tverrfaglig samarbeid mellom forsknngsgruppene ved Instituttet for Økonomi, Innovasjon og Samfunn.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). Launch of DigiBest ( Digital Business, Economy, Society and Trade).
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). Lecture for ELSE project ( cooperation Norway-China) students "Sustainable consumption" .
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). Lecture " Important technological trend which influence people and markeds.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). MBA workshop i regi av Nord Universitet - Presentations of master thesis ( theory and practice) .
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja; Bourmistrov, Anatoli & Leick, Birgit (2022). From “individual consultants” to “a DNA pool”: Tuning the institution of expatriates during the internationalisation of a Norwegian MNC (Roddvik. I., Bourmistrov, A., Leick, B.) .
  • Leick, Birgit; Gretzinger, Susanne & Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2022). Creative-artistic entrepreneurs and how they become embedded in non-urban places: Unveiling the ‘black box’ through a resource exchange and network embeddedness logic.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja; Leick, Birgit & Gretzinger, Susanne (2022). Embeddedness of creative-artistic entrepreneurs in non-urban places: unveiling the ‘black box’ through a resource-exchange and network embeddedness logic. NCSB conferance.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2020). Internal and external control in the process of internationalization.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2020). Philosophy of science and qualitative methods.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2020). Å finne muligheter i kriser (case: russiske forfattere i 19 og 20 århundre).
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2019). The package og controls.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2019). The process of internationalization ( a case study: a Norwegian MNC).
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2019). The success factors in establishing of business on the new markets.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2019). Hvorfor er det viktig å forstå lokale tradisjoner og mentalitet hvid selskapet jobber internasjonalt ( business kultur og tradisjoner i Russland - seminar for norske forettnigsmenn).
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja & Bourmistrov, Anatoli (2017). The evolution of the role of expatriates in the process of the internationalization ( a case study: a Norwegian MNC).
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (1995). The image of Russia in Europe - A. Brynildsen. Essays and articles (V. Roddvik - editor). Novyj mir. ISSN 0130-7673. 5(1), p. 251–252.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (1994). Traditsii platonizma v russkoy i angliyskoy literature (L. Tolstoy i A. Merdok - sravnitel'nyy analizTraditions of Platonism in Russian and English literature (L. Tolstoy and A. Murdoch - comparative analysis). Nauchnyye trudy-MPGU -seriya Sotsial'no-istoricheskiye nauki. p. 1–18.
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (2019). Deprivation of control: A driving force to gain influence during the internationalization process of MNC ( a case study: a Norwegian multinational corporation). Nord Universitet. ISSN 978-82-92893-64-7. Full text in Research Archive
  • Roddvik, Irina Nikolskaja (1994). Traditsii platonizma v russkoy i angliyskoy literature (L. Tolstoy i A. Merdok - sravnitel'nyy analiz)Traditions of Platonism in Russian and English literature (L. Tolstoy and Iris Murdoch). Moskovskij pedagogicheskij gosudarstvennyj universitet Internasjonal tittel Moscow State Pedagogical University.

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Published June 13, 2019 2:50 PM - Last modified June 14, 2021 1:58 PM