Infomøte - Studentorganisasjon innen AI

Do you want to contribute to the creation of a student-driven organization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Østfold University College?

Et lys i en robot hjerne som våkner.

In collaboration with the Machine Learning research group and the Makerspace, we would like to invite interested students to an info meeting to discuss the creation of a new student-driven organization with core interests in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Østfold University College. This new organization will be supported by the Department of Computer Science and Communication.

The main purpose is to create interest in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning among students ranging from bachelor to master level, by creating a scientific and social arena with different activities such as tutorials, workshops, hackatons and seminars with researchers and experts, both from academia and the industry.

Similar initiatives exist in other universities in Norway. You may check NTNU Brain or NeuralMet for inspiration.

When: Thursday 19th January 2023 at 14:00 – 15:30

Where: D1-044 MakerSpace

Food and drinks will be served.

Registration via Nettskjema by Tuesday 17th January 2023


Publisert 17. jan. 2023 08:49 - Sist endret 17. jan. 2023 08:49