Cathrine Linnes

Department of Computer Science and Communication
Image of Cathrine Linnes
Associate Professor
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Cathrine Linnes, Ph.D., er førsteamanuensis ved fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, ingeniørfag og økonomi ved Høgskolen i Østfold. Dr. Linnes har vært vitenskapelig ansatt og programleder for master og bachelor programmene i informasjons systemer ved Hawaii Pacific University, ansatt ved Southern New Hampshire University, og ansatt ved Kapiolani Community College i USA. Hun har flere års bransjeerfaring.

Interesser: Digitale samfunn, økonomisk bærekraft, bærekraftig turisme, høyere utdanning, anvendt technology.


  • ITI41020 - Scientific Methods, Ethics and Writing
  • ITL28019 - IT Strategi
  • SFB31421 - Innovasjonsledelse og Bedriftsutvikling
  • SFB31020 - Entrepreneurship in Global Perspective
  • ITL31017 - Business Intelligence 
  • ITVBIGD118 - Big Data and Analytics
  • ITF301416 - Store Datamengder: Prosessering and Analyse
  • ITL13019 - Teknologi og Samfunn
  • ITI40614 - Master Oppgave - Veileder
  • ITF32012 - Bachelor Oppgave - Veileder

Akademisk Bakgrunn

  • Ph.D. Information Systems 
  • Master of Science in Information Systems, MSIS
  • Master of Business Administration, MBA
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Arts in Recreation and Leisure Studies
  • Graduate Certificate: Distance Education (Praktisk Pedagogisk Utdannelse)


Jeg har en 20% stilling ved læringsstøttesenteret og jobber med vitenskapelige ansatte for å forbedre undervisnings- og lærings opplevelsen og utforske beste praksis, nye teknikker og innovative teknologier. Jeg jobber primært med  ansatte på Inspera plattformen for digitale eksamener. Jeg er godt kjent med lærings plattformene Canvas, Blackboard og Brightspace. Læringssenterets team holder seg oppdatert på litteraturen om undervisning og læring, for å syntetisere og dele denne informasjonen, og for å skape rom der diskusjon, forskning og utvikling kan finne sted. Jeg har kunnskap om SPSS brukt til statistisk data analyse samt nettverks analyse og visualisering. Teamet holder flere workshops gjennom hele året, samt lager elektroniske materialer om teknologi i klasserommet. Jeg fokuserer på konkurransedyktig læring, team undervisning, flippet klasserom, prosjektbasert læring, student porteføljer, blant andre emner.


  • Distinguished Fellow - International Academy of Business, 2017
  • Golden Apple – Distinguish Graduate Teacher of the Year, 2015
  • Recognized as one of Hawaii´s top tech leaders, 2008


  • Upsilon Pi Epsilon - Member Executive Council
  • ACM-ICPC - Staff Member
  • International Academy of Business - Council Member
Tags: Digitale samfunn, DigiTech, DigiWork, økonomisk bærekraft, bærekraftig turisme, høyere utdanning, anvendt technology.


  • Catarsi, Francesco; Ronzoni, Giulio & Linnes, Cathrine (2024). Digital transformation in the music event sector as a response to crises. In Prideaux, Bruce & Beirman, David (Ed.), Handbook on Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781839105371. p. 309–323. doi: https:/
  • Linnes, Cathrine & Agrusa, Jerome (2024). Digital transformation in the hospitality and tourism sector in Hawaii. In Prideaux, Bruce & Beirman, David (Ed.), Handbook on Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781839105371. p. 192–203. doi: https:/
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Ronzoni, Giulio; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2022). Emergency Remote Education and Its Impact on Higher Education: A Temporary or Permanent Shift in Instruction? Education Sciences. ISSN 2227-7102. 12(10). doi: 10.3390/educsci12100721. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Weinland, Jeffrey Thomas ; Ronzoni, Giulio; Lema, Joseph & Agrusa, Jerome (2022). The local food supply, willingness to pay and the sustainability of an island destination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. ISSN 2514-9792. doi: 10.1108/JHTI-01-2022-0031. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome; Ronzoni, Giulio & Lema, Joseph (2022). What Tourists Want, a Sustainable Paradise. Tourism and Hospitality. 3(1), p. 164–183. doi: 10.3390/tourhosp3010013. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Itoga, Holly; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2021). Sustainable Tourism Empowered by Social Network Analysis to Gain a Competitive Edge at a Historic Site. . Tourism and Hospitality. 2(4), p. 332–346. doi: 10.3390/tourhosp2040022. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2021). Let´s Talk SMAC: The Status of Business Today. In Management Association, Information Resources (Eds.), Research Anthology on Strategies for Using Social Media as a Service and Tool in Business. IGI Global. ISSN 9781799890201. p. 27–45. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9020-1.ch002.
  • Andrade, Gabriella; Itoga, Holly; Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2021). The Economic Sustainability of Culture in Hawai’i: Tourists’ Willingness to Pay for Hawaiian Cultural Experiences. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. ISSN 1911-8066. 14(9). doi: 10.3390/jrfm14090420. Full text in Research Archive
  • Agrusa, Jerome; Lema, Joseph; Min, Jihye (Ellie); Linnes, Cathrine & Park, Sun-Young (2021). New Perspectives from International Visitors to Thailand. APTA Conference Proceeding. ISSN 2092-5549. p. 74–76. Full text in Research Archive
  • Min, Jihye (Ellie); Lee, Harold; Lema, Joseph; Agrusa, Jerome & Linnes, Cathrine (2021). The #MeToo movement in paradise: An assessment of the restaurant industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. ISSN 1537-8020. 26(4), p. 568–586. doi: 10.1080/15378020.2021.1896940.
  • Agrusa, Jerome; Linnes, Cathrine; Lema, Joseph; Min, Jihye (Ellie); Henthorne, Tony & Itoga, Holly [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Tourism Well-Being and Transitioning Island Destinations for Sustainable Development. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. ISSN 1911-8066. 14(1). doi: 10.3390/jrfm14010032. Full text in Research Archive
  • Pettersen, Erlend & Linnes, Cathrine (2020). A Systematic Literature Review Looking at Digitizing Container Harbors. American Journal of Information Technology. ISSN 1943-7498. 10(1), p. 1–17. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2020). Embracing the Challenges and Opportunities of Change Through Electronic Collaboration. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development. ISSN 1935-5661. 12(4), p. 37–58. doi: 10.4018/IJICTHD.20201001.oa1. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fatima, Aqsa & Linnes, Cathrine (2019). The Status of Business Intelligence in Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Norway. American Journal of Information Technology. ISSN 1943-7498. 9(2), p. 1–25. Full text in Research Archive
  • Fatima, Aqsa & Linnes, Cathrine (2019). The Current Status of Business Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review. American Journal of Information Technology. ISSN 1943-7498. 9(1), p. 1–22. Full text in Research Archive
  • Agrusa, Jerome; Linnes, Cathrine; Lema, Joseph & Metcalf, Brian (2018). Data Mining in Film Tourism. International Journal of Economics and Business. ISSN 1948-5166. 6(1-2), p. 51–69. Full text in Research Archive
  • Metcalf, Brian; Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2018). Film Tourism in Norway: The Effect Fictional Characters Have on Tourism. International Business & Economics Research Journal. ISSN 1535-0754. 17(2), p. 21–34. doi: 10.19030/iber.v17i2.10144. Full text in Research Archive
  • Linnes, Cathrine & Metcalf, Brian (2017). iGeneration and Their Acceptance of Technology. International Journal of Management & Information Systems. ISSN 1546-5748. 21(2), p. 11–26. doi: 10.19030/ijmis.v21i2.10073.
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Metcalf, Brian & Shahijan, Milad (2017). The Future of Apps: A Smart Investment for Business. In Rezaei, Sajad (Eds.), Apps Management and E-Commerce Transactions in Real-Time. IGI Global. ISSN 978-1-5225-2449-6. p. 293–313. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2449-6.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2017). Let´s Talk SMAC: The Status of Business Today. In Rezaei, Sajad (Eds.), Apps Management and E-Commerce Transactions in Real-Time. IGI Global. ISSN 978-1-5225-2449-6. p. 1–25. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2449-6.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2016). E-tools for E-team: The Importance of Social Ties and Knowledge Sharing. In Graham, Matt (Eds.), Strategic Management and Leadership for Systems Development in Virtual Spaces. IGI Global. ISSN 978-1-4666-9688-4. p. 90–109. doi: 10.4018.
  • Metcalf, Brian; Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2015). Do you Want to Build a Snowman in Norway: The Impact of Disney's Frozen Movie on Norwegian Tourism. APTA Conference Proceeding. ISSN 2092-5549. p. 199–203.
  • Metcalf, Brian; Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2015). Do You Want To Build a Snowman in Norway? The Impact of Disney's Movie on Norwegian Tourism. APTA Conference Proceeding. ISSN 2092-5549. p. 395–404.
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome; Lema, Joseph & Lam, Wendy (2014). Technology in Hospitality: The Impact of Social Media on Hawaii's Hotel. APTA Conference Proceeding. ISSN 2092-5549. p. 242–243.
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Kowalski, Paul; Lema, Joseph; Lam, Wendy & Agrusa, Jerome (2014). Social Media and Technology: The Influence on Hawaii´s Hotels. Consortium Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. ISSN 1535-0568. 19(2), p. 54–73.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2014). College Student Perception of Electronic Textbooks Usage. American Journal of Information Technology. ISSN 1943-7498. 3(2), p. 21–39.

View all works in Cristin

View all works in Cristin

  • Fatima, Aqsa & Linnes, Cathrine (2019). The status of business intelligence in small and medium size enterprises in norway.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2019). Case study: Applying Network Analysis to Better Understand the Impact of Social Media in a Business.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2019). Learning by Competing.
  • Linnes, Cathrine & Narendra, Rustagi (2018). Effective E-collaboration: Lesson Learned.
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Agrusa, Jerome & Lema, Joseph (2018). Use of Social Media in Tourism.
  • Linnes, Cathrine; Lema, Joseph; Agrusa, Jerome & Johansen, Frode Ramstad (2018). A Network Analysis a Perspective on a Tourist Destination.
  • Stigberg, Susanne Koch; Karlsen, Joakim; Holone, Harald & Linnes, Cathrine (2017). Erratum to: S. Stigberg et al. (Eds.): Nordic Contributions in IS Research, LNBIP 294, (10.1007/978-3-319-64695-4). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. ISSN 1865-1348. 294. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64695-4_12.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2017). Impact of Social Media on Society.
  • Linnes, Cathrine (2017). Big Data Technologies.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:14 PM - Last modified Feb. 11, 2023 8:03 PM