How robots and AI tell a story of how we humans perceive ourselves

In this talk Henrik Skaug Sætra will discuss how robots and AI tell a story of how we humans perceive ourselves, and how these technologies in turn also change us. 

Associate professor Henrik Skaug Sætra at Østfold University College. Photo: HiØ.

Robotomorphy describes what occurs when we project the characteristics and capabilities of robots onto ourselves, to make sense of the complicated and mysterious beings that we are. This may be inevitable, but also potentially unfortunate, because when robots become the blueprint for humanity, they simultaneously become benchmarks and ideals to live up to. 

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​Henrik Skaug Sætra is an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics at Østfold University College. He is a political scientist with a broad and interdisciplinary approach to issues of ethics and the individual and societal implications of technology, environmental ethics, and game theory. Sætra has in recent years worked extensively on the effects of technology on liberty and autonomy and on various issues related to the use of social robots.


Publisert 29. okt. 2021 10:30 - Sist endret 29. okt. 2021 10:30