Two seminars on Intelligent vehicular systems

Welcome to the following two seminars on Intelligent vehicular systems. The first one gives an overview of the state-of the art and the second one looks at what developments can be anticipated in the near future.

Seminar 1:

  •   Title:"Cooperative Autonomous Driving: State-of-the-Art and Ongoing Projects"
  •   Speaker:  Alexey Vinel, Professor, Halmstad University, and, Professor II, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  •  Time:        9:15 to 10:00,  5th December

Seminar 2:

  •   Title: "Cooperative Autonomous Driving: The Design of Next Generation Vehicular Communications"
  •   Speaker: Lorenzo Piccardi, Research Engineer, Halmstad University
  •    Time:        10:15 to 11:00,  5th December

Common Abstract for both seminars:
Intervehicular (V2X) communication protocols enable cooperation between the vehicles and, therefore, are a key component of coming generations of Driver assistance systems, and of of highly automated vehicles in general. In the first seminar we will (i) present the state-of-the-art of standardization for V2X communications in Europe, (ii) provide highlights from ongoing research projects at Halmstad University, and (iii) discuss roadmaps for market deployments of cooperative autonomous vehicles. In the second seminar we will focus on new research directions related to future 5G-based V2X-communications and AI-enabled coordination between the vehicles. We aim at exploring joint PhD-education activities between Østfold University College and Halmstad University.

Publisert 4. des. 2019 22:58 - Sist endret 4. des. 2019 22:58