Public trial lectures for positions in CPS

Faculty of Computer Sciences are conducting a series of open trial lectures in Januar, February and March.  We start with two interviews in Cyber-Physical Systems.

Two open trial lectures for positions within Cyber-Physical systems.

  • 9:00   Maben Rabi, in C1-007 (VIP room)
  • 11:30  Md. Muhidul Islam Khan, in A1-062

Each trial lecture will last for 45 minutes, and the candiates have received the following challenge:

 <My research> and the role of CPS in the emerging Digital Society

  - How my research relates to the increased use of CPS in society

  - How can my experience and research reflect on the BA Computer Engineering and MA Applied Computer Science study programmes at HIOF?

<My research> should be replaced by the candidates own description of their work.

Hope to see as many of you there as possible.


Publisert 9. jan. 2019 15:31 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2019 15:35