Headhuntet til Google

Dang Ha The Hien avsluttet sin Master in Applied computer science ved Høgskolen i Østfold i 2014. Nå jobber han for Google i Zürich med det han elsker å drive med. 

Dang Ha The Hien startet i jobb hos Google i Zürich i februar 2018. Han mener studiene ved HiØ gjorde at han kan drive med det han elsker. Foto: Privat.

How did you get your current job?

I was contacted by a Google recruiter after participating in CodeJam 2018, Google's longest running global coding competition. I joined it since I love coding and one of my friends insisted that it's fun.

Then I'd gone through a phone interview, and then an onsite interview before getting the offer.

What do you think were the most important factors for you getting the job?

I got hired probably thanks to my coding skill and the system architecture knowledge I got while working at some Big Data projects at eSmart Systems. I believe that cultural fit is also an important factor.

What are your main tasks at Google?

I'm working on the Google Assistant team, trying to make it more user-friendly and hopefully more intelligent.

What are you doing right now in your daily job?

First of all, I'm still in my learning process, there are a lot of things to learn in a new job. Second, I can't say too much about my daily job. Otherwise, I need to seek press-approval to do so.

What are your best tips for students who want to be attractive in the job market?

I think building a personal brand is a good strategy. Try to package what you have done or learn, and publish it as a blog on Medium or open source it on Github. In the tech world, your Github is sometimes even more important than your CV.

Last but not least, try to do your job with all your love. The positive energy will help you on the journey.

What was good about the studies you took at Østfold University College?

I believe the best thing that happened to me at Hiof was that I got the freedom to search for what I love, and the opportunity to pursue it. I had the chance to explore many subjects and I ended up falling for Machine Learning. Then I was given many opportunities to grow in this profession. 

Thanks to my supervisor, Roland Olsson, I could do a master thesis about Machine Learning, and then got a PhD-job related to that. I was even given a chance to teach a Big Data course, from which I had learned a lot. 

I feel like, at Hiof, people seem to see your potential even when you don't see it yourself. 

Machine learning is changing the world

Machine learning is changing the world, and it will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Self-driving car, real-time language interpreter, assistant that book a restaurant for you... 

They were in our dream just a decade ago, and now they are just around the corner. It is a fascinating field and it is changing the software industry. A significant amount of code will not be written by us but learned by machine. Machine Learning will become a fundamental skill to a future software engineer, just like how SQL is fundamental today. 

So, if you want to work in the tech world, you should pay extra attention towards Machine Learning and AI technologies, and learn them if you love and have a chance.

Aktuell lenke


Av Nina Fredheim
Publisert 26. mars 2019 15:25 - Sist endret 26. juli 2021 11:12