Application sent to Creative Europe

Yesterday, we submitted an application Making History Together to the Creative Europe call bridging creative content and audiovisual through digital (EACEA/06/2019). Østfold University College, Norway, will be the project leader and coordinator in the project. We are really happy to be working with these wonderful partners, and are crossing our fingers.  

The partners are:

  • Museene i Østfold og Akershus, Norway
  • Institute for Energy Technology, Norway
  • Victoria and Alberts Museum, UK
  • Georgian National Museum, Georgia
  • Gagarin, Iceland
  • Hradec Králové Region, Czech
  • Abarta Heritage, Ireland

Summary: With reference to the European year of cultural heritage a consortium of eight solid institutions and companies with complementary skills and resources in the field of cultural heritage have come together to preserve, modernize and increase accessibility to the rich cultural heritage of Europe.

The objective of “Making History Together” is to develop a methodology that will provide guidelines for how to bridge physical objects, collections and sites with digital storytelling through sustainable user-engagement. The aim is to facilitate for wider public engagement with cultural heritage through co-creation, co-curation and participation through digital media.

The project will pay special attention to the following key problems and challenges: 1) Lack of access to cultural heritage collections. 2) Unrealized potential for co-creation and co-curation of cultural heritage objects, sites and collections through faciltation and 3) Lack of engagement and use of cultural heritage collections.

“Making History Together” consist of three small pilots and prototypes: 1) A visualization of the old town of Tbilisi; 2) A visualization of a fortress in the border-town of Halden, Norway. The fortress was one of the selected sites for the European year of cultural heritage 2018; and 3) A web-based interface for co-curation of digital exhibitions to increase engagement and involvement with cultural heritage.

Four workshops will be set up to maximize information sharing and support methodology development. These will have guests and participating groups in addition to the project partners.

The methods and technologies explored, developed and evaluated will have strong focus on end-users and monetization. Co-creation and co-curation will be at the heart of the project, to increase attractiveness and accessibility to cultural heritage arenas and objects. The chosen approach will thereby create both non-commercial and commercial opportunities related to cultural heritage.

Av Joakim Karlsen
Publisert 20. juni 2019 15:19 - Sist endret 12. juni 2023 12:24