Experience the viking ship at Gjellestad online

From Friday afternoon the public can experience the archaeological site Gjellestad online, and get to know more about what the archaeologist have discovered so far while investigating the recently discovered Viking ship and its surroundings.

Foto: Gjellestadprosjektet

Last spring, Østfold regional council provided funds to visualise and communicate the findings from Gjellestad online. Last autumn, parts of the Viking ship, five longhouses and eight burial mounds were identified when excavating the site near Jellhaug, Halden, Norway. 

Now, Østfold University College, Viken county council, Institute for Energy Technology and Nordic Media Lab have created an online visualisation of the Gjellestad site – with the Viking ship, ship grave, longhouses and burial mounds. 

Visit https://gjellestadstory.no from Friday 17th  January to see Gjellestad online.

 – Imagine that you are flying towards Gjellestad and discovering the large burial mound, longhouses and ship grave. You can choose to land and go closer to move around the house and, not lest, the ship. Explore the site and gain insight into what the archaeologists have found so far, says project leader and associate professor Joakim Karlsen. 


Project contacts: Joakim Karlsen, joakim.karlsen@hiof.no, +47 90 84 04 00 / Sigrid Mannsåker Gundersen: sigridg@viken.no, +47 48 11 65 90

Published Jan. 17, 2020 2:33 PM - Last modified June 16, 2021 12:51 PM