Ongoing project


Hvordan skaper vi bedre pleie i primæromsorgen ved hjelp av digitale tjenester og produkter? I dette prosjektet samarbeider 15 partner for å utvikle omsorg.


The goal of the VITAL project is to create long-term collaborative arenas for companies with close contacts with health care providers, with the aim of companies having access to an activity-based test bed to create new and innovative products, services and working methods for efficient and close care for the population, using digitalisation . The goal is also to increase research collaboration between universities and, together with the practice, to develop more knowledge about innovative working methods and techniques in healthcare and care.

Østfold University College (ØUC) within the big scope of the VITAL project will work closely with Sunnaas rehabilitation hospital. The aim for ØUC is to investigate the needs and develop a digital solution which will enhance cooperation among patients that receive rehabilitation at Sunnaas, and the multidisciplinary team that works together with the patient, in making what is called a rehabilitation goal plan and keeping track of the progress of the goal plan afterwards. 

ØUC will be involved in designing the solution by applying a Participatory Design approach in which patients and staff from the hospital will be involved in co-design workshops where they together with a PhD researcher from ØUC can design their desired digital solution.

A development company will be involved in developing the digital solution and contribute also during design. 

There is an aim of testing the solution also at Habilitation & Health care center in the Västra Götaland region.

Objectives and effects

- Investigating new ways of co-designing with people in rehabilitation and empowering them in co-design session with care professionals or designers and developers. 

- Design and develop a digital solution that will empower the patients in rehabilitation by creating more possibility to control their rehabilitation and contribute in it. 

The knowledge that is developed during the project's implementation will be disseminated in various arenas, such as workshops and seminars, as well as scientific and popular scientific publications.

The project contributes to the UN Sustainability Goal 3 - Health and well-being, and specifically to sub-objective 3.8, which is to ensure a healthy life and to promote well-being. The development and introduction of innovative healthcare products and services contribute to an improved safety and quality of care for the population, as well as an improved work environment for the staff.

Research Area

Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Healthcare

Participatory Design 

Patient Empowerment

Collaboration Partners

Apertus AS, Dignio AS, AXXE AS, Hälsobrickan AB, MedFilm AB, Akutläkarna AB, and Posifon AB. 

University West, Sunnaa's hospital, Närhälsan Färgelanda innovation care center, Habilitation & Health in the Västra Götaland region, University of Gothenburg, and Fyrbodal Health Academy. 

The municipality of Färgelanda is also participating in the project, as the population that is connected to the National Health in Färgelanda is made up of the people in Färgelanda municipality. Additional health and care operations in both Sweden and Norway are included as collaborative partners in the project.

Project Leader

Ann Svensson, University West

Project Partner

Klaudia Carcani, Østfold University College

Arve Opheim, Norwegian project manager, Sunnaas hospital

Milijana Lundberg Malmberg, Southern Aalsborg Hospital

Vebjörn Berre, Apertus AS

Ulf Högström, Stromder AB

Lena G Larsson, Public Health Fyrbodal

Research Funding

EU, other - (Structural Funds, Social Funds, European Territorial Cooperation Interreg)

Østfold University College

West University, Internal Funds

Fyrbodal's Health Academy

Project Timeline

2019 - 2022



Tags: CSCW, Healthcare, Participatory Design, Patient Empowerment
Published May 8, 2020 9:56 AM - Last modified May 26, 2023 9:59 AM