"My digital goal plan" workshops

Klaudia and Ingvild during the workshop

As part of the initial stage of the VITAL project Klaudia Carcani from HiØ in close collaboration with Ingvild Tormodsdotter Nes from Sunnaas conducted two workshops to investigate the needs for the design of the digital solution which aims giving patients more control over their rehabilitation and facilitate their communication with the staff at the hospital.

A Participatory Design approach was used for both workshops and in total 7 patients and 8 staff members from the Department for Cognitive Rehabilitation were involved. 

"We want to express our gratitude to the Department for Cognitive Rehabilitation at Sunnaas and their amazing staff and patients who made possible these workshops and helped us gain very interesting insights." says Klaudia 

The workshop data are currently being analysed and will serve as the bases for the next step in the project and be involved in future publications. 

Wait for us! More interesting things to come ...


Published May 12, 2020 9:59 AM - Last modified May 26, 2023 9:59 AM