Tore Marius Akerbæk

Norwegian version of this page Department of Computer Science and Communication
Norwegian version of this page Position
Assistant Professor
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Academic interests

Ever since I myself was a student at department of Computer Science at Ostfold University College, I've taken interest in the design- and user-perspectives of informatics; why does things look, act and feel the way they do, and do we understand them?

Utilizing the web-platform is my main interest, given the possibilites it offers within interfaces, platforms and communication channels, which can be used to everything from entertainment to saving lives!

My research revolves around two main topics; teaching (mainly in introductory programming for creatives), and web technology and communication in digital storytelling / digital journalism.

Courses taught

  • Web development
  • Introductory programming
  • Developing interactive websites
  • Communication design
  • Information architecture
  • Graphic Design


Master in Applied Computer Science, topic "Design of digital environments" from Ostfold University College 2008. Worked seven years in the communication agency Odin Media (now GP Marked) with communication strategy, digital design and web development, before working with user experience and front end development for two years in the eCommerce agency Kreatif. Came back as a lecturer and researcher at Østfold University College in 2016, focusing on teaching in different communication and web design and technology courses.

Positions held

  • Assistant professor

Research groups

Tags: Web development, Web design, Communication, Teaching, Programming


  • Stigberg, Susanne Koch; Akerbæk, Tore Marius & Stigberg, Henrik (2022). Developing genres of educational programming videos to support mathematics teachers utilize programming in the classroom. Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning. ISSN 1651-3274. 17, p. 217–224.
  • Karlsen, Ann-Charlott Beatrice Amundsen; Akerbæk, Tore Marius & Stigberg, Susanne Koch (2022). Towards a Metaphor-Based Tangible Toolkit for Learning Programming Concepts. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN 0302-9743. p. 72–88. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-05657-4_6.
  • Akerbæk, Tore Marius & Karlsen, Joakim (2019). Koding som skapende og utforskende aktivitet: En analyse av verktøy for å lære seg koding der å skape, utforske og uttrykke seg står i fokus . In Karlsen, Kristine Høeg & Bjørnstad, Gunhild Brænne (Ed.), Skaperglede, engasjement og utforskertrang. Nye perspektiver på estetiske og tverrfaglige undervisningsmetoder som redskap i pedagogisk virksomhet. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215029979. p. 143–159.

View all works in Cristin

  • Akerbæk, Tore Marius (2023). Git og GitHub.
  • Akerbæk, Tore Marius & Vaaland, Mattis (2022). Unngå disse fellene når du lager portefølje-nettside.
  • Akerbæk, Tore Marius (2021). Porteføljekurs.
  • Stigberg, Susanne Koch; Stigberg, Henrik & Akerbæk, Tore Marius (2021). Developing genres of educational programming videos to support mathematics teachers utilize programming in the classroom.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:15 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2021 9:53 AM