Stig Henning Johansen

Norwegian version of this page Department of Computer Science and Communication
Image of Stig Henning Johansen
Norwegian version of this page Position
Assistant Professor
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20+ years experience at Pitney Bowes Inc. at Nordic/European and Global leadership level:

  • Restructure and optimize Global Sales Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Go-To-Market strategy - optimization across all customer facing channels & touchpoints
  • Sales & Business Intelligence – fact based decisons & outcome driven "storytelling" 
  • Standardization and globalization of analysis, sales models and sales related processes
  • Business Transformation – digitalization of infrastructure and processes
  • Strategy execution – consistent execution of the company's strategies across lines of business, countries and departments 



Bond University Australia

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

2 year program compressed to 3 semesters in 12 months

1992 - 1993

Østfold Distriktshøgskole / Handelshøjskolen Syd Danmark (ERASMUS)

Bachelor of International Business

1991 - 1992

Oslo Handelshøyskole

Bachelor of Marketing (Diplomkandidat)

1989 - 1991

Østfold Distriktshøgskole

Business Administration and Economics


  • Demi, Selina; Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo; Johansen, Stig Henning & Sánchez-Gordón, Mary (2020). Mapping human values and scrum roles: a study on students' preferences. In Rothermel, Gregg & Bae, Doo-Hwan (Ed.), ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops. ACM Publications. ISSN 978-1-4503-7963-2. p. 570–576. doi: https:/
  • Johansen, Stig Henning; Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo; Samuelsen, Terje & Kristiansen, Monica Lind (2019). Engaging students in the context of software project management teaching. In Conde, M. (Eds.), TEEM'19: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISSN 978-1-4503-7191-9. p. 54–58. doi: https:/

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  • Stiller, Kevin Torben; Johansen, Stig Henning; Vadseth, Michael & Brunsvik, Per S. (2021). Industrial testing of a new Norwegian ozone reactor and skimmer system.

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Published June 4, 2020 7:50 AM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2023 8:20 AM