Daniela Blauhut

Norwegian version of this page Department of Computer Science and Communication
Norwegian version of this page Position
Associate Professor
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Daniela Blauhut is an associate professor at the Faculty of Computer Sciences, Engineering and Economics where she teaches design at the Department of Computer Sciences and Communication. Her background is in graphic and product design and she holds a PhD in interaction design.

She has previously worked in product development and print media design for different companies in Germany and in application development for a Norwegian IT company.

Her research interest is aimed at the human aspect of technology development.


Designmetoder (autumn)

Skisser og Prototyper (spring)

UI designprosjekt (spring)

Previous courses

Visuell kommunikasjon (spring)

Designprosess (autumn and spring)

Interaksjonsdesign (autumn)

Fordypningsemne (spring)

Bacheloroppgave med vitenskapsteori og metode/IR (spring)


Bacheloroppgaver ITK

Masteroppgaver ITK


  • Stigberg, Susanne Koch; Said, Fahad Faisal & Blauhut, Daniela (2023). Digital Fabrication in Arts and Crafts Education: A Critical Review. In Zaphiris, Panayiotis & Ioannou, Andri (Ed.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14040. Springer. ISSN 978-3-031-34411-4. p. 642–657. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_44.
  • Blauhut, Daniela & Seip, Knut Lehre (2018). An empirical study of mobile-device use at Norwegian oil and gas processing plants. Cognition, Technology & Work. ISSN 1435-5558. 20(2), p. 325–336. doi: 10.1007/s10111-018-0469-z. Full text in Research Archive
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2007). Fädelspiel, Spielkulturen : bauen, spielen, lernen : 14. UNESCO Kreativitätsworkshop. Wissen Media. p. 66–69.

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  • Blauhut, Daniela (2018). Handheld-Geräte für den Einsatz in integrierten Operationen in der Öl- und Gasindustrie. Shaker Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8440-5869-7. 322 p.

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  • Blauhut, Daniela (2017). Kan datamaskiner ta over alle menneskelige oppgaver?
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2017). Interaksjonsdesign og brukerkommunikasjon.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2017). Presentasjon av bachelorstudium i Industriell design.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2017). Presentasjon ingeniørutdanninger med fokus på ingeniørfagene Industriell design og Maskin.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2016). Håndholdte enheter for bruk innen integrerte operasjoner i petroleumsindustrien.
  • Bøckmann, Sissel & Blauhut, Daniela (2013). STIP.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2013). Håndholdt utrustning i petroleumsindustrien.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2012). Vitenskapelig presentasjon av feltstudier på Nyhamna (Ormen Lange) og Melkøya (Snøhvit).
  • Blauhut, Daniela & Buur, Jacob (2009). What video styles can do for user research.
  • Blauhut, Daniela (2016). Handheld devices for use within integrated operations in the petroleum industry. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology. ISSN 978-82-326-1562-9.

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Published June 12, 2018 4:16 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2023 9:45 AM