Joint seminar on Teaching sustainability in higher education

This first joint-seminer on teaching sustainability in higher education will take place on-line from 2 PM to 5 PM on December 14th

Sustainability and education are two important items of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. UNESCO emphasizes the need to develop education for sustainable development to face the challenges of our planet. Our survival is in danger and we need to adress together environmental, social and economic issues. Reaching this objective requires to change the way we are teaching in order to be able to adress the issues of international and societal transitions in an effective way. In other words, we need to rethink and to change the way we teach.

This first joint-seminer on teaching sustainability in higher education provides us with examples drawn from new teaching experiences developped at UPEC within AEI International School as well as examples drawn from three different partners universities in Germany (Hochschule Osnabrück), Norway (Ostfold University College) and Switzerland (Business School Lausanne). Indeed the challenges we are facing are global and need to be considered from an international perspective.


  • Christelle Garrouste, Associate Professor in Economics, AEI International School, France
  • Dr. David Claivaz, Dean, Business School Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Dr. Gunnar Andersson, Associate Professor of Innovation, Ostfold University College, Norway
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer, Professor in Economics, Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Germany


Publisert 8. des. 2022 16:39 - Sist endret 8. feb. 2023 13:29