Research infrastructure

Publisert 10. apr. 2024 08:52

The Trustworthy AI Lab is part of an interdisciplinary and international research community to evaluate and discuss the mindful use of artificial intelligence in innovation projects, as part of the Z-Inspection® Initiative.

Publisert 6. okt. 2018 11:43

The entrepreneurial makerspace is located in the ground floor at the Østfold university college campus in Fredrikstad. It is a research based makerspace close connected to teaching in Student enterprise (bachelor level and Entrepreneurial leadership (master level).

Publisert 6. okt. 2018 11:40

The Beelab/Beecube is part of the Research infrastructure at IRG. It is an operative arena for collaboration on business model development and a meeting place for research, higher education and triple-helix initiatives with a special focus on start-ups og SMEs.