Visiting Babson College with the NORSI network

Our entrepreneurship ambassador and PhD fellow Matthew Lynch explores world class leaders in entrepreneurship education visiting Babson College in the US with the NORSI network of PhD students. It is part of our efforts to develop our own infrastructure in HUB42, the Beelab and the entrepreneurial makerspace.

"Courtesy of NORSI we took a trip to Babson College in April last year. NORSI is the Norwegian organisation for PhD students researching entrepreneurship and innovation. They sponsored a trip to Babson due to its reputation as a world class leader in entrepreneurship education. We had the privilege of sitting in on lectures for the week, visiting their makerspace, and hearing from their faculty about their perspective on teaching. The trip was a confirmation that what we do here in Norway mimics much of what is being done overseas, with some small differences in style. It was interesting to see their makerspace, something we are soon launching here at the Høgskolen."

Publisert 14. mars 2019 13:32 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2024 08:51