Mapping the innovation system on Bornholm

From February 28th to March 1st, students from Innovation and Project Management - Østfold University, Aalborg University, and Copenhagen Business School spent three fantastic days in Bornholm as part of the Interreg FREIIA project, mapping the island innovation system.

Six student teams met decision-makers, idealists, enthusiasts, business interests, conservationists, tourism operators, politicians, and many more. The students collected valuable data and had good conversations while working to describe and understand interests, directions, opportunities, and challenges in the island community. All of this was solidly led by the students themselves with the support of researchers and methods from the Interreg North Sea Region Freiia project. We thank all the good forces in Bornholm, especially project partner BOFA (Bornholm's environmental company and waste management), who made this possible. We are proud of our fantastic students and look forward to seeing what they can achieve in Week 15 when they start realizing some of the opportunities they have identified together with Bornholm's local forces.

Publisert 4. mars 2024 15:52 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2024 08:51