Trustworthy AI-lab was presented at the Fagforum for kunstig intelligens i offentlig sektor

While Digdir provided information on their guide for responsible development and use of artificial intelligence, the Innovation research group introduced our new initiative, the Thrustworthy AI-lab, which focuses on assessing the reliability of AI systems.

PhD Pedro Kringen presenting at Fagforum for kunstig intelligens i offentlig sektor
Foto: Private

The Innovation research group was invited by DigDir to present our new initiative, Trustworthy AI-lab, at their Fagforum in September. A member of the research group and our external advisor in the AI-lab, PhD Pedro Kringen, spoke about our work in establishing the Trustworthy AI Lab as part of an interdisciplinary and international research community.

He also gave a taste of the actual method developed through collaboration with numerous AI labs globally. The theme revolves around the assessment and discussion of the mindful use of artificial intelligence in innovation projects, as part of the open Z-Inspection® initiative.

The AI-lab aims to foster debate and reflection on the responsible use of artificial intelligence. The research community serves as a meeting place for the international "community" of researchers, politicians, sector leaders, and citizens. The AI-lab emphasizes connecting with the current 15 other labs globally, seeking funding, integrating reliable AI in teaching, and inviting lecturers from other labs to teach at the university college.

Read more about our Trustworthy AI Lab here.


Emneord: Trustworthy AI, kunstig intelligens Av Frode Ramstad Johansen
Publisert 11. okt. 2023 10:21 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2024 08:51