Discussing Lean construction

Innovation and project management students Erik L. Thoresen, Trym Leirvåg, Irmin Ibrahimovic og Anders Klevstrand Tangen publish a chronicle in the newspaper Fredrikstad Blad June 17 discussing results from the bachelor project on Lean construction at Cicignon Park. 

Delays are a major challenge in today's building and construction industry, leading to three out of four construction projects not being completed in time. This is a common problem that has been around for a long time, and which is mainly due to challenging planning from the management. A construction project consists of several different professions, which means that the interaction between the various profession  groups  requires  careful  planning  and  good  facilitation.  This  is  a  typical  challenge  in  the start-up  phase  of  a  construction  project,  which  means  that  the  traditional  form  of  work  should  be changed. This is the reason why several companies have already begun to implement Lean in the start-up phase of a project.

The result is the Lean Strategy Room as the starting point toimprove the workday for those involved in  the  construction  project.  The  process  towards  the  result  is  characterized  by  a  lot  of  prototyping. The concept is based on visualizing whiteboards built on the Lean mindset. This sets the foundation to cultivate  the  learning spiral where everybody involved is updated on the  status of the project at any time and there  are opportunities for feedback  and suggestions for improvement. In this way, a safe  learning  environment  with  clear  goals  is  created.  The  strategy  room  aims  to  cultivate  best practices, thus contributing to continuous improvement. This creates a culture for learning that makes the organization able to improve and thus adapt to changes and needs.

Publisert 19. juni 2019 15:39 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2024 08:51