Interreg FREIIA Design thinking workshops at Hvaler

Closer to the world! Closer to research! Two days with design thinking based and action oriented research on location at Besøkssenter Ytre Hvaler nasjonalpark Storesand.

Students from Arteveldehogeschool and Innovasjon og Prosjektledelse - Høgskolen i Østfold working together with researchers from Interreg FREIIA project, the incubator Drivhuset Østfold, public governance Hvaler kommune, and stakeholders from Hvaler Næringsforening, Visit Fredrikstad Hvaler, Storm Østers, Besøkssenter Ytre Hvaler nasjonalparkHvaler Kulturvernforening, and Papper utvikling. This was part two of the mapping and development of solutions part of the EU funded Interreg FREIIA where students from all over Europe work together vith local stakeholders using islands as innovation laboratories. Thanks for all the fun, discussions, constructions, ideas, nature, friendships and solutions :-)

Publisert 29. okt. 2023 12:37 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2024 08:51