News - Side 5

Publisert 2. mars 2019 10:01

Irmin, Erik, Anders og Trym have started prototyping the Lean Construction Big Room for the development project Cicignon Park in Fredrikstad part of their Bachelor thesis. What started as ideas and paper prototypes in the Entrepreneurial MakerSpace are developing into full-size prototypes at Cicignon Park using Design thinking.

Publisert 30. nov. 2018 09:38

Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November was dedicated to the semester academic writing workshop. This semester 6 scholars went to Rømskog Spa & Resort discussing and developing articles and manuscripts for publication. 

Publisert 28. nov. 2018 21:10

Wednesday 28 November members of IRG and Hackstad joined forces in a workshop on what a national arena for product development could look like and the role to take in the national innovation eco system. Ida from Hackstad lead us thru the process and hopefully we made som contributions to the Hackstad center to come. We welcome a new arena and partner in innovation to Østfold. Ivar, Per, Hans Gerhard and Ida from Hackstad and June, Matt and Gunnar from IRG took part in the workshop.

Publisert 20. sep. 2018 19:41

Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 18 september represented a sneak preview of the pop-up entrepreneurial maker-space. 100 + researchers, students, and industry developed redesign concepts based on the design thinking method. This scenario represented a sneak preview of the pop-up maker-space we are working on to complement the entrepreneurial maker-space on campus.