Kick-off meeting for Energy Programme in Romania – Focus area: Energy Efficiency

The project “Low emission with high and sustainable efficiency in Sfantu Gheorghe key public buildings” has been officially started on 17 of March. The project was granted with 1.800.000 Euro and is financed by the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021

The digital meeting with Project promoter Sfântu Gheorghe Municipality and Project partner Østfold University College was chaired by Inger Elisabeth Strand Karni, Programme Director at Innovation Norway.

After Ms. Gabriela Constantin, Technical Advisor-Innovation Norway, has presented the agenda of the meeting, giving a short presentation of the participants, the Project Implementation Stage was presented and discussed. The project is a collaborative project between Østfold University College and Sfantu Gheorghe Municipality and energy auditor SME Servelect SRL (both Romania).

The project will design, develop and implement the deep renovation of two public buildings (a secondary-school and a gym with swimming pool), to significantly enhance indoor comfort, increasing the energy efficiency with 82% and improving the performance up to nZEB level and significantly reduce the GHG emissions with 78%.

The team from Østfold University College will be responsible for development of simulation models, algorithms and tools as well as for design and development of innovative solutions. This includes an optimal local coordination for a building energy management system (BEMS), based on AI and ML algorithms and tools that integrate several technologies depending on renewable energy sources (solar thermal collectors).

Av Frode Ramstad Johansen
Publisert 24. mars 2021 11:45 - Sist endret 15. juni 2021 09:25