The project progress and current updating



January - December 2021

2021 is a probing year for hybrid exchange options, we presented and discussed a hybrid solution with BJTU partner, and try to recruit some BJTU master students online to continue our plan for enrolling international student projects.

We did successfully recruit 3 BJTU master students for our hybrid mobility option, after a relatively long, back and forward process. We started our online coaching hours 1 November 2021 and conducted weekly coaches until end of 2021. The plan was to continue on spring 2022, then finish with a short visit to Norway summer 2022.

January - December 2020

The Corvid-19 incident dominered 2020 so there was no exchanges actions for this year. We have regular dialogs with BJTU project team members and the recent updating showing no signal for traveling releasing, neither for outbound nor for inbound mobility. The 2021 autumn semester BJTU lecture planning already settled for online solutions. Therefore, we see there is a need for applying the project extension for 2022 as well.

August - November 2019

Two 2 BJTU post-graduated enrolled master program students visited and stayed at OUC for 3 months, middle of August to middle of November 2019. Both students wrote their research papers based on their previous research laboratory results. OUC contributed with project coaching, ECTS based IREXC10018 International student research project course unit and conducting research paper writing, as well as English supportive class attending, provided by OUC colleagues.

The visiting BJTU presented their academic outcomes at the end of their stay at OUC, as well as their visiting reports sharing their experiences with other readers. See detailed presentations below:

Academic outcomes presentation 1: Experimental study on the heat transfer characteristics of vapor chambers with sintered copper powder wick

Academic outcomes presentation 2: Experimental investigation of pouch lithium-ion battery thermal management based on multi-mini-channels cooling plate.

Co-authored and collaborated scientific article writing and publishing "Experimental Investigation on the Vapor Chambers with Sintered Copper Powder Wick" at Journal of Thermal Science. vol. 30, p 1938–1950 (2021). ISSN 1003-2169. doi: 10.1007/s11630-020-1366-3.

Visiting report1.

Visiting report2.

Published Feb. 27, 2020 8:42 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2023 12:14 PM