HiØ research team will contribute to increase indoor comfort in Romania

Scientists at the faculty of engineering play a key role in a project that aims to renew public buildings in Romania, and increase energy efficiency with 82%.  

RENOVATION SUBJECT: The project will increase the indoor comfort at this general school  in Romania. (PHOTO: from project proposal)

Professor Nicolae Lucian Mihet at Østfold University College, is involved as PI in the international project “Low emission with high and sustainable efficiency in Sfantu Gheorghe”. The project is part of Renewable energy, Energy efficiency call which received 1.800.000 Euro funding from Innovation Norway.  The project will design, develop and implement the deep renovation of two public buildings, a secondary-school and a gym with swimming pool, to significantly enhance indoor comfort.

- We are the Norwegian project partner in this project. Sfantu Gheorghe Municipality is the PM. We will also work together with a SME from Romania (SERVELECT SRL), responsible for project implementation, Lucian Mihet says. 

A two and half year project 

The start of the project is scheduled for April 2021 and it is expected to be completed within 31st of December 2023.

The project aims are to reduce energy costs and consumption by increasing energy performance-based energy efficiency measures implemented in both buildings, close to the nZEB level, the efficiency of urban mobility and public services. 

According to the project proposal submitted last year in March, the HIOF team will be responsible for development of simulation models, algorithms and tools for the two buildings energy management system (BEMS). 

"In this regard, we will design and develop innovative solutions, including an optimal local coordination for the BEMS, based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms that integrate several technologies."
Professor Nicolae Lucian Mihet, Østfold University College


The technologies mentioned above are depending on renewable energy sources (PV panels and solar thermal collectors). The research will be conducted at campus in Fredrikstad. Associated professor Manikandan Palanichamy and professor Nand Kishor is part of the research team.


- Our solutions will be tested and validated first in my research lab-S403 and then implemented into the BEMS of the beneficiary partner, Professor Lucian Mihet says.     

Read more about the work of the research group “Intelligent control of energy conversion and storage systems”

Exchange of ideas

The proposed energy efficiency package solutions, described in the Energy Audit Reports, takes into consideration all the related reduced costs with the required design, works, materials, equipment, and systems, for the envelope and the required mechanical structure and the electrical installations and works.

How important is this project in the search of renewable energy and energy efficiency for the future? 

- The project solutions will increase the energy efficiency with 82% improving the performance up to nZEB level and significantly reduce the GHG emissions with 78%.

The research team at ØStfold University College are planning a workshop with the international project partners (the Municipality representatives, the architects and engineers, including the SME-SERVELECT SRL. Norwegian network industrial partners who are working in the field will also be invited. 

- The scope of this workshop is also to promote the project objectives and solutions, to exchange some ideas and to get the feedback from invited partners, Lucian Mihet explains. 

Read more about the current lab facilities



By Ann-Kristin Johansen
Published Mar. 10, 2021 12:01 PM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 4:22 PM